Chapter 8: "Screw the world and its grudges"

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You were scared but I was too

The feelings were different and new

It was unusual for the both of us

But we were convinced it was real and true

So we fought for it till the very end

We didn't care about the consequences

Or if we will never have their approval

You thought, "Screw the world and its grudges"

They say what we had was different

But come on, normal's so overrated

I thought, "Why does everyone need to fit in?"

In a world where everything is labeled & branded?

I just love her and that should be enough

Screw anyone who says otherwise

At least we're happy and contented of what we have

We didn't live in a life of fake masks and lies

So I'm going to go away someday

With the woman who makes my world twirl

Screw morals, religion and beliefs

I will marry and forever love that girl


Someday, I will finally have the guts to come out to my parents. Someday, I will be finally proud to say that "I'm gay and I'm proud" without caring what everybody would say about me. Someday, when I can finally be someone I can be proud of, I will get away.  Someday, I could tell this poem to the woman I love. Someday, I can finally be happy on my own skin. Someday, I can finally be happy by being me. 

Unsent Letters of A Closeted Lesbian WriterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora