Chapter 10:"What do you want to be when you grow up?"

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Written By: Hectic_Writer

What do you want to be when you grow up?

A question that my mom would always ask

And until now, I have no answer

I'm still figuring the girl without the mask

They want me to be an engineer

My mother wants me to have the perfect life

I understand, all parents want that for their children

But the pressure is just a stabbing knife

I really don't know what I want to be

To be honest, I couldn't care less

Because I don't mind if I'll be homeless

I just really want to be happy

I want to marry the person I really love

I want to be free from the weight on my shoulders

I want to be able to express who I really am

Is that good enough for an answer?

I'm sorry if I still can't figure what I want

I'm just so scared of the unknown future

But trust me, I'll figure things out

Everything will be much clearer


This is for my mother. Heck, this is for my whole family. Everyone expects me to be this successful woman when I grow up. Everyone's expectations are weighing me down. The pressure is too much. I can barely breathe in my own home. It's just... everything is going too fast that I want to tell everyone to shut the fuck up and please listen to me for one freaking second. I don't want to be an engineer, okay? I want to be a psychologist. But no, my parents don't get that. I just hate how everyone is so sure of their future while I'm barely finishing a thought about it.

I decided to put this one since what I become in the future greatly affects my coming out process. You see, I don't know about you guys, but I decided to come out after I get a good job that I can be proud of. So that even if my parents would throw me out, I can sustain my needs using my own money. I'm just sooo scared. I ready myself to all worst outcomes that might happen to me when I come out. 

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