Chapter 9: "Scarier than drenched pillow"

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I don't understand why people always take side

Of the girl who cries during a fight

Everyone would assume it's the others' fault

Even if it's not right

Why would you feel sorry?

To the girl who expresses her emotion?

What about the person who blinks away the tears?

Kept it deep inside, all her heavy bargain

The one who doesn't cry is not the strong one

As much as she wants to deny

Just because her eyes don't tear

Doesn't mean her heart doesn't cry

Can't you see? She feels numb

She became so use to the pain

It's like there's this big storm coming

But she's just staring blankly in the rain

She doesn't even care anymore

And that's much scarier than drenched pillow

She became use to the darkness and loneliness

That she fell in love with her own shadow

Don't feel pity to the girl who cries

Believe me, she's feeling much better

Because the one chooses not to show

Had felt the cut much more deeper


This is for my mom actually. Whenever my sister and I would fight, she'd always stick to her side of the story since she's the one who always gets to cry first. She'd say I  was being stubborn and VERY disrespectful when I don't cry and just keep a steady face. Mom, you have no idea what I'm feeling. I had this storm inside of me that I don't want to let out. I'm feeling much worse than her, Ma. If you only know. 

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