Synonyms to describe unpleasant and calm and pleasant weather

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Unpleasant weather

Severe - severe weather is extremely unpleasant and likely to cause harm or damage.

Harsh - harsh weather is extremely cold and unpleasant.

Threatening - threatening clouds, skies, or seas show that the weather is likely to be bad.

Fierce - fierce weather is very strong or severe.

Humid - hot and wet in a  way that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Sultry - sultry weather is unpleaasant because the air is hot and slightly wet.

Muggy - muggy weather is warm in an upleasant way because the air feels wet.

Foul -  foul weather is very unpleasant, with rain, snow, or wind.

Raw - raw weather is cold and unpleasant.

Unseasonable - unseasonable weather is not the type of weather that you expect in a particular season.

Fiercely - in a fierce way.

Filthy - filthy weather is very unpleasant, usually because there is a lot of rain or snow and wind.

Heavy - if the sky is heavy, or the clouds are heavy, the sky is dark and it looks as though it will rain.

Humidity - weather that is hot and wet.

Inclement - inclement weather is bad, usually becuase it is wet, cold, or windy.

Pitiless - pitiless rain, wind, or sun is very strong and continues for a long time.

Sullen - if the sky of weather is sullen, it is dark and unpleasant.

Sunless - without any sun.

Unseasonably - used for talking about weather that is not normal in a particular season.

Calm and pleasant weather

Calm - if the weather is calm, there is very little wind.

Calm - a state in which there is no wind, so that the sea does not move very much.

Clear - if the sky or the weather is clear, there are no clouds. rain etc.

Clement - clement weather is pleasant becuase it is neither very hot nor very cold.

Cloudless - a cloudless sky has no clouds in it.

Equable - equable weather is not extreme and does not change very much.

Fair - if the weather is fair, it is pleasant and not raining.

Fine - if the weather is fine, it is sunny and not raining.

Pleasant - pleasant weather is dry and neither very hot nor very cold.

Still - without wind.

Windless - without any wind.

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