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.  Have high energy

.  Talk more than listen

.  Think out loud

.  Act, then think

.  Likes to be around people a lot

.  Prefers a public role

.  Can get easily distracted

.  Prefers to do lots of things at once

.  Are outgoing and enthusiastic


.  Focus on details and specifics

.  Admire pratical solutions

.  Notice details and remember facts

.  Are pragmatic - see "what is"

.  Lives in the her - and - now

.  Trusts actual experiencce

.  Likes to use established skills

.  Likes step-by-step instructions

-  Works at a steady pace


.  Decide based on their feelings

.  Appear warm and friendly

.  Are convinced by how they feel

.  Are diplomatic and tactful

.  Values ahrmony and compassion

.  Take many things personally

.  Are quick to compliment others

.  Are motivated by appreciation

.  Avoids arguements and conflicts


.  Likes to keep their options open

.  Are playful and casual

.  Are less aware of time, may run late

.  Prefers to start projects

.  Play first, work later

.  Have difficulty making some decisions

.  Question the need for many rules

.  Likes to keep plans flexible

.  Want the freedom to be spontaneous


.  Have quiet energy

.  Listen more than talk

.  Think quietly inside their heads

.  Think, then act

.  Feel comfortable being alone

.  Prefer to work "behind-the-scenes"

.  Have good powers of concentration

.  Prefers to focues on one thing at a time

.  Are self-contained and reserved


.  Focues on the big picture and possibilites

.  Admires creative ideas

.  Notices anything new or different

.  Are inventive - see "what could be"

.  Think about future implications

.  Trusts their gut instincts

.  Prefers to learn new skills

.  Likes to figure things out for themselves

.  Work in bursts of energy


.  Makes decisions objectively

.  Appear cool and reserved

.  Are convinced by rational arguments

.  Are honest and direct

.  Value honesty and fairness

.  Take few things personally

.  Are good at seeing flaws

.  Are motivated by achievement

.  Argue or debate issues for fun


.  Likes to have things settled

.  Take responsibilites, seriously

.  Pay attentions to time, usually prompt

.  Prefers to finish projects

.  Work first, play later

.  Seek closure

.  See the need for most rules

.  Likes to make and stick with plans

.  Find comfort in schedules

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