10 Ways To End Your Novel

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The circular ending is a story that does a full circle and comes back to the beginning.

The moral ending is an ending whereby you see the character's growth throughout the novel and how far they have come.

The surprise ending is where the story takes us to a place we least expected.

The capturing emotion ending leaves the reader feeling emotional, whether that be happy or sad, for the characters and the story.

The reflection ending is where the character looks at everything they have achieved, experiences, and gone through.

The cliff-hanger ending is very common in novel series  and is an ending that leaves the reader on the edge of their seat.

The humor ending leaves the reader laughing at a line or an inside joke to the story.

The question ending is an ending that leaves the reader thinking about what is going to happen next.

The image ending is an ending that puts the 'show don't tell rule' to good use, and describes a scene.

The dialogue ending is an ending that finishes with dialogue from a character.

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