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Sadly after I found out I was pregnant, I decided that I should go home and stay there till the rest of my pregnancy. The good news was that Seth came so we can find out the gender. We were along five months which meant we can find out the gender. Being pregnant was hard work if you're into fashion like me. Luckily I found cute maternity clothes and that's what I was changing to.

 Luckily I found cute maternity clothes and that's what I was changing to

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We arrived to the doctors and checked in. I was on my phone scrolling through Instagram as Seth rubbed my stomach.

"Mr. And Mrs. Lopez." The doctor says.

We walked in the room and the doctor asked basic questions.

"Do any of you smoke."


"Any pets?"

"Two." Seth says holding two fingers up.

"Do you drink."

"Well I stopped until I give birth."

"I do occasionally." Seth says. The doctor nods his head and tells me to lay on the table.

"Okay well I'm going to put this on your stomach and it might feels a bit cold." I lift up my shirt and he puts that jelly thing on my stomach. I cringed at how cold it was and he goes to work.

He looks confused and he keeps going.

"What's wrong.?" Seth asks noticing his face. He looks once more and looks surprised.

"Well Nikki do you have a twin or have any twins in your family history?" He asks.

"I have a twin." I say.

"Well instead of twins you have triplets." I look at Seth and then the doctor. Seth faints on the ground and I smile.


"Yeah you're carrying three babies."

"Are they like identical?" I ask.

"You have two boys and one girl." I smile. A momma's girl and daddies boys.

"Oh my gosh I'm so excited." I say. He lets me leave and I kick Seth up.

"Please tell me it was a dream."

"Nope, your super sperm gave me triplets." He looks at me funny.

"Super sperm?, you're the one with a twin." I shrug and walk out.

"I have to tell my mom." Seth says.

"Wait how about we surprise them." I say.


"Well when we give birth, we can have one family member inside and I'll be like hold on one baby and then they'll look on the other side and then there will be the other two." I explain.

"I like that idea give my mom a heart attack." I nod and walk to the car. I rub my stomach, damn three babies.

"I want to start the nursery, we are six months along, they'll be here in three months." I say smiling.

"I wanna help too." He says pouting.

"You'll help too." I kiss his cheek and we head home. Who knows what life would be like with three kids.

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