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Surprise motherfucker!

We all stood by the entrance of the gorilla. Seth and I still hand in hand smiling brightly at the screen above us. Our first three were living out their dreams in the biggest stage of them all. I wipe away the tears as I saw my kids going against Melanie and her awful kids.

We were all in our early fifties, watching all of our kids. Brianna walked right next to me and stood there. I look over at her and she sends me a smile. She had her thirteen year old daughter by her side. Birdie Joe Good.

I turn my attention back to the screen and my smile fades. My eyes turn dark as I see that one person that made my life a living hell. Melanie. She was out there making her kids win. I pull my hand away from Seth as I go up to the technician. "Play my damn music." He doesn't hesitate as he looks for my theme.

I stand by the entrance awaiting for my cue. I hear the beginning of my song and I already run out. The crowd was screaming so loud, it was deafening. Everyone in the ring turns their attention towards me. My kids smile at me, while Melanie's kid glare. I smirk as I slide in the ring and stand next to my kids.

I was in sweatpants and a shirt. It wasn't my usual ring gear, but I'd run out here naked if I had to. "Attack them, i'll handle her." I tell my children. They all nod and go after Melanie's three.

I look over at Melanie and my devious smirk makes its way to my face. "Mess with my kids, I'll break you bitch." I kick her gut and and jump on top of her making her fall. The crowd starts chanting, "this is awesome." Damn right it's awesome.

I punch her and slam her head into the mat. Anything that can possibly injure Melanie, I was doing it right now. I hop off her as the ref finally tells me to get off. I get out of the ring and watch as Brooklynn beats the hell out of Melanie's first daughter, Emma. Dax and Brayden were on the apron watching on as their sister was attacking Emma.





"Here are your winners, Brook , Dax, and Brayden Rollins!" JoJo's daughter screamed into the microphone. I smile and clap as I get in the ring. I get inside and attack them in a hug. Seth's theme hits and he walks down the average sized ramp, way better than Wrestlemania 33's ramp.

He makes it to the ring and gets in. He hugs them all and we're joined by a group hug. Tears fall down my cheeks as I blink. We pull apart and all get out of the ring.

We reach backstage and we get attacked in other hugs from our youngest daughter, Bella, who is thirteen. Our second youngest, Blake, who is sixteen, also hugs all of us.

Our twenty three year old triplets were smiling and looked happy. If I didn't give Seth a second chance then maybe this would have never happened.

—Time Skip—

"Today we are gathered here to celebrate the life of Colby Lopez and Stephanie Garcia. We are not here to mourn the death of our fallen lovers, in fact we are here to celebrate life. Stephanie Garcia a loving mother, wife, and grandmother." The triplets wiped away their tears as they hugged their children tightly. Blake and Bella stood next to each other, hand in hand with their partners. Bella caressing her stomach, she wiped away tears as she saw the slideshow playing behind the speaker.

"Colby Lopez was a loving father, husband, and grandfather. They were both successful wrestlers back in their day and they have a legacy following closely behind." Everyone turned to look at all the Lopez siblings, they all smiled and wiped a few stray tears. Sniffles could be heard among them all.

Bella looks at the speaker as he nods. She tugs her siblings arms as she motioned for them to take the stage. They all walked up the stage helping Bella walk, because she was nine months pregnant. A baby was about to pop out of her, but right now her parents were most important.

"My mom and dad were the most caring people you would have ever met. They didn't care if you have ever done anything bad in your life, they would love you unconditionally." Blake says, having to stop due to the fact he could not contain his tears. Bella rubbed his back as she took the stand.

"As Blake was trying to say, our parents did not care about anything, but us." Bella says, motioning between her and her siblings. "They were the top wrestlers in the company and we are following closely behind them, but right now I'm having a bit of a step back." The crowd lets out a small chuckle as Bella looks down at her stomach. "My parents were really excited to see their grandchild, but god decided he wanted some new angels." Bella goes backward as she lets her oldest siblings take the stand.

"When my parents were young, they got together in the strangest way, they had to pretend to date because they needed to keep their image. But that fake love turned into actual love. They got married and expanded the family." Brooklynn says. She wipes away the tears as her siblings tell her that it's okay to stop. She nods and lets Dax have the microphone.

"My parents went through some-." Dax stops trying to find the right word. "Rough patches in their life, they were temporarily separated, and my mom has said she flew all the way to China with us. I now really wish I wasn't months old because I would really love to see China." The crowd laughs and Dax smiles, laughing a bit himself. "But they overcame those obstacles and as many people have said true love is forever, I mean what kind of couples die together." A hand goes up. That hand belonging to Brianna's daughter.

"The notebook doesn't count Birdie!" Dax yells out. Her hand goes down as the crowd laughs. Brayden pats Dax's back and takes the microphone.

"As Dax said true love is forever, my parents did everything together, from traveling the world to even picking out what carpet cleaner they should buy. They were inseparable, but everyone has their problems. Our parents made it seem like there was no problem in the world. They made everything seem possible. So I would like to thank our parents, from all of us Lopez kids, thank you mom and dad for the life you have given us."

All the Lopez kids embrace each other as they cry on each others shoulder. The pull away from the hug and go down to their spouse. They embrace their spouse, letting a few tears fall.

"Long live Nikki Bella and Seth Rollins!" The crowd yelled out. They all smiled at each other and wiped a few tears. Long live!


I swear to you I did not cry, maybe a few tears managed to fall, but I'm Gucci. Anyways this is officially the end of Second chances.

TBH I had this epilogue written out, but I forgot about it for a while. Oops, but here you are.

That's a wrap for Second Chances!

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