Sometimes Things Don't Go As Planned

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Nikki's pov

Around a day ago I found my husband sleeping with another woman. I was heart broken and I fled the states. I took MY kids and left, leaving everybody behind. As of right now I am living with one of my good friends here. I was in China and I knew that WWE was most likely going to travel here someday and I was not looking forward to it. I bought a bed and cribs for my eight month old children.

I had a few friends here in China, not many, but a few. My friend volunteered to take care of my kids, so I can go sightseeing. I felt terrible, but she insisted I needed to have a me day.

"Okay if they get fussy I have my breast milk in the fridge make sure to heat it up for only a minute." I say telling her all the instructions.

"I got it go have fun." She says, slamming the door in my face. First order of business, needs to get handled. I called my attorney back in the states.

"Nikki what's the matter."

"I need you to send divorce papers to Seth." I say.

"What happened, you guys are my OTP." He says. He was like fifty and still knew many modern slang.

"He cheated and after we're through, I'll talk custody." I say.

"Okay I'll send them and they should arrive to him in about a week." He says.

"Thank you." I say. I hang up and go on with my day. I walked through a museum and its pretty boring, they just aren't my thing. Being bored makes a girl hungry so being me I went to a local place.

I walk in and many friendly faces greet me. One in particular seems happy to see me.

"Hi how may I help you miss Bella." He says.

"Uh I'll just take some egg rolls and some rice." I say. "Uh how do you know my name."

"You're literally the only person I watch in the WWE." He says. I look at him funny. "Other than John Cena, but other than that I only watch you two."

"Really nobody else." I say. He shakes his head.

"Wow, so you're not like those crazy stalkers right." I joke. He laughs and shakes his head.

"No I'm not really a big internet person." He says. I smile and he goes to make my order. I grab my phone and many messages from Brie and all the other co workers from WWE. The WWE universe still haven't heard about our split, but something tells me they will soon. I see Mandy posted a picture bragging about how she split Seth and I up.

Many hate comments were rolling in. Many from Seth and I's friends. I sigh and put down my phone. I put my face in my hands trying not to cry. Somebody grabs my shoulder and I look up to see my waiter.

"What's wrong."

"Oh you know just work troubles." I say, not wanting to tell him the truth.

"So I'm guessing I'll only be watching John Cena for a while." He jokes. I crack a smile. "Hey there's that beautiful smile." He says.

"Hey what's your name." I say.

"Daniel." Ironic? Colby Daniel Lopez? I probably had a face because he stops smiling. "Is something wrong."

"No it's just something came to mind."


"Yeah, can I have my food to go." He nods and goes to grab my food. He comes back.

"Hey um before you go, can I maybe have your number?" He says nervously. I nod and write down my new number down. He smiles and I walk out.

I quickly make it to my apartment and hug my babies.

"Mommy missed you." I say, kissing each of their cheeks.

"How was it?" She asks. I tell her everything, from Mandy being a bitch to giving my number to Daniel. "Seems like you had fun." She says. I nod and plop down on my bed. I don't know how I'm ever going to survive without Colby, but I'm Fearless Nikki!

Seth's pov

A day ago my wife found me 'sleeping' with another woman. Which I did not do! I was moping around in my hotel room.

"Seth you have to get up." Someone says through the door. I don't answer and they barge in. The door was locked. I don't look up as they turn me around. I see Dean and Roman looking worried.

"I came to warn you." Dean says. I don't answer him and a angry voice fills the room.

"COLBY DANIEL LOPEZ." Brie yells. I don't move a muscle as she charges to me. She looks at me and slaps me across the face. I hold my cheek.

"That doesn't hurt." I mumble. She slaps me again.

"Nope." She keeps slapping me harder each time until her hand is bright red. I lowly laugh and they all stare.

"What's wrong with you." She yells.

"When Nicole left me hurts worse than your pathetic slaps." I say to my sister-in-law. She stares at me and her eyes soften a little bit. "She took our children and that hurts worse than anything you can ever do." I say.

"Why did you cheat on her?" She questions.

"I didn't." I say. No hesitation meaning it's true. Finn runs in the room and stares at Brie and my cheeks. Finn was dragging Becky.

"Damn she beat me to it before I can even explain." He says. Sami drags in Alexa while Aj drags Charlotte. Sasha runs in the room and lunges to me, but Roman holds her back. They all stare at me with rage in their eyes. If looks can kill, I'd be six feet under by now.

"Let us explain." Finn says. I look at him and so do the girls. They cross their arms waiting for Finn's excellent plan. "Seth didn't cheat on Nikki." He says.

"How much did he pay you love." Becky says. Finn stares at her and continues.

"Aj was with us and he didn't drink." He says. "He says that Mandy walked in the room when she saw our drunk ass waltz in my room." He says.

"And I pretended to be asleep as I saw her take off Seth's pants and shirt off." Aj says. "Afterwards she took off her clothes leaving herself in her undergarments."

"So what they're trying to say is Mandy staged the whole thing." Sami says. I look at the girls and look at their reactions. They were all shocked. I smirk at then in victory.

"Told you."

"But she still left you." Dean says. Roman hits him in the back of the head and I lower my head.

"I wanted to have a perfect life with her, I don't want the Leighla situation to happen all over again." I say. "We were going to stay together until death due us part."

"Seth sometimes things don't go as planned." The girls say.

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