Prologue - Doomfist

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I leaped away from the shockwave Doomfist caused as he slammed to the floor. I fell on my back and scrambled to get up as he approached me. Zinnia and Genji were slowly coming back to consciousness beside me. Genji was doing it faster than Zinnia but not fast enough that I would have backup against Doomfist.

"Where is the rest of the team?" I yelled into the ear piece as I leaped up, my blue gems glowing.

I shot at Doomfist as he charged toward me. "They're coming as fast as possible. Orisa and Bastion are having a bit of trouble." Captain Ana replied calmly. "Hold out as long as possible."

As I got pushed against a wall I thought I glimpsed Genji's red lights flashing purple and then pink. I wasn't able to make sure he was alright as Doomfist hit my stomach, knocking the breath out of me. I gasped, bending over. He hit his knee into the centre of my chest, leaving me temporarily paralysed. I fell to the floor on my knees, struggling to get back up. I got picked up and thrown against a car, the glass shattering against my hands.

"How much do you weigh?" Doomfist muttered. "It's like trying to pick up a truck!"

I was sweating with the pain as he approached me again, picking me up and flinging me a few metres up a building. I was nearly unconscious as I fell to the floor. The gem that was held by the necklace flashed with blue light and I was suddenly encased in a blue orb. I felt my cuts scabbing over and the paralysed feeling left me. The orb floated down slowly and just as it finished healing me it shattered, Doomfists hand plunging through it. He was throwing me around like a rag doll in a washing machine. I was flung next to Genji and I saw for sure that his lights were flashing purple. Suddenly they all turned pink and purple. I glimpsed him getting up and didn't even register the fact that he was taking out his shurikens and aiming them at me. I widened my eyes as he grunted, trying to keep himself from doing it. I rolled out of the way just as he threw them, saving my life. 

I struggled to my feet. "Genji, what are you doing?" I asked.

"I don't...." He was still busy trying to stop himself from attacking me. "know!" He gasped out the word, leaping at me.

I tore my hidden blade out from my boot and lifted it in time to block Genji from nearly decapitating me. "What's happened to you?"

"Someone's-" He started but Commander Morrison cut us off on our earpieces.

"Bastion and Orisa are going nuts, their eyes are purple and they're attacking us. We've had to restrain them. Sending Pharah, Tracer, McCree and Lucio through... now." A teleporter opened beside us, and as Lucio slid through, Genji's lights faded back to red. 

I saw him visibly relax as he finally released the pressure on me. I slid my dagger back into my boot as he sheathed his sword. "What happened to you?" I repeated.

"It felt like someone had taken control over my body... Like I was a puppet... Like my robotic body was being hacked." He murmured.

"It sounds like Orisa and Bastion were like this too..." I replied. "I'm just glad that you didn't manage to hurt anyone while you were hacked." I hugged him and he returned the embrace.

As soon as Doomfist saw he was outnumbered he leaped away and it was impossible for them to catch up to him so the rest of us stood there as he leaped away. As Genji and I pulled back we saw that citizens of the city that we'd just fought in (Numbani) were emerging from their hiding places.

"My car..." An Omnic was looking at his in despair. "It's destroyed! You're not a peace group! You're an anti-Omnic group! You just made up the story of Doomfist so you could trash the Omnic cars!"

The other Omnics in the crowd yelled out their agreement. I moved closer to Genji. "We'd better get out of here before another riot breaks o-" I stopped as an Omnic ran toward us, arm raised, ready to hurt us.

My gems glowed immediately and a shield expanded from us, throwing him backward. My eyes widened, I hadn't meant to do that. I just wanted to protect my friends. His wife rushed over to him and looked into my eyes with such hatred, I didn't think it would be possible for those usually calm eyes to do s.

Commander Morrison's voice came out over our earpieces. "The teleporter's coming back online, you'll be able to get out of here soon."

"Make it quick, the Omnics here are gettin' restless." McCree replied.

"Affirmative." Mercy responded.

My shield luckily muffled the yells and the noise that came from the close-to-rioting crowd that surrounded us. I was trembling slightly as I tried to hold the shield up as they started pressing against it.

"Are you okay?" Genji asked, putting his arm around me and leaning his head on mine.

"I will be when they open the teleporter and I can take the shield down." I muttered, my arms starting to shake more and more.

"It'll be alright, you're strong. You can do this." He murmured into my ear, rubbing my shoulder.

I didn't respond, just nodded and gritted my teeth as I tried to keep the shield up.

Just as the teleporter appeared in front of Zinnia my shield broke, an Omnic hand reaching through it and suddenly pulling back. As I started to hurry through the teleporter someone threw a sharp, jagged piece of glass as my back, embedding it into my skin. I shrieked, my back arching, streaks of pain spreading through it as I fell through the teleporter.

The last thing I heard was someone yelling: "You're what's wrong with this world!"

Okay, I've finally started the sequel! I hope you're liking it so far! Tell me, do you want more fluff between Sage and Genji or do you prefer more fight scenes and stuff like that?

If you have any suggestions/improvements feel free to comment them below! Hope you're having a wonderful day! byee!


P.S Can anyone guess who's hacking into Genjis, Bastions and Orisas systems? ;)

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