Chapter 3 - A Lot Of Fights

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I wandered down the hallway, shuffling my steps. I was getting worked up about being blamed for something I didn't even do. I blamed Zinnia and D.Va entirely. I couldn't really punish D.Va as, when she went to Lucio for comfort, he pushed her away. Now she was sulking in a corner in the main room. I was considering about going to confront Zinnia about what happened the night before when Captain Ana called us in for another training session.

"Now that you've all rested and rethought about your choices," She said sharply to Zinnia and I, the underlying insult stinging me, "I hope you can fight." She led us to one of the many training rooms.

I felt dread wallow up in my stomach as she paired me with Zinnia. This was not going to end well. She looked at me warily as she joined me on a training mat. We stared at each other in silence as the Captain finished pairing up the others. Actually, it was more like I was glaring at her, the accusation burning in my eyes whilst she avoided eye contact completely. 

"Ready, set, fight!" The Captain called out, blowing a whistle.

I winced at the sharp sound as Zinnia and I started to circle each other, very slowly. A moment passed, then another. One second later and I found myself leaping at her, my snarl almost cat-like. Red seeped into my vision as we fought. We were in a dance, leaping from side to side, trying to attack the other whilst trying to protect ourselves. I saw a flame in Zinnia's eyes that I'd never seen before. It didn't intimidate me in the slightest.

I barely registered the whistle that Amari blew, officially ending the fights on the training mats. All I wanted was to take out all the stress, all the frustration, all the heartbreak I'd built up over the past few days on her. I felt bones break inside of me and beneath my fists. I was suddenly dragged off of Zinnia, screaming and kicking the hard body that held me back. 

"Hyacinth, calm down." Genji's cool but stern voice shook me out of my trance, and the red faded from my vision. 

He was holding me by my shoulders and as I looked down at Zinnia I had bruises on my arms, a twisted ankle and what felt like a broken rib. Zinnia didn't look any better, she had a puffy lip and a black eye. Tears were on a running marathon down my face and as I turned limp in Genji's hold he slowly let me sink down to the floor before stepping away.

"Hyacinth." Ana's voice was quiet with shock as Zinnia slowly managed to get up. "Go to your room."

I limped across the large training room, feeling ever alone in a crowded room of Overwatch agents. I could feel their stares burning my back as I left the room. 


I winced as I walked into the main room, trying to stay as invisible as possible. I had gone to Mercy immediately after everyone had slept. Mercy always stayed up a little later than everyone else. She had fixed me up, chiding me gently about getting hurt before sending me back to my room. No one seemed to notice my puffy eyes, my eyebags, my sadness echoing in everything I did. No one seemed to care. I sat in the corner of the room, curled up with a book, trying to pretend like I didn't care. As I sniffled, rubbing my eyes, I noticed McCree's robotic hand spazzing out. At first he laughed it off, looking a bit confused. Before I knew it, Commander Morrison's legs were yanked out from underneath him, dragging him across the floor as McCree's hand started to punch him. Genji's lights were flashing purple. Oh no.

I leaped to my feet, dragging Genji out of the base and into the snow. I had to get him out so he didn't become a killing machine and kill all the agents. He landed in the snow with a thump, and he huffed with effort as he tried to resist the commands this unknown hacker was giving his body. I had to get him to the water. I picked him up again, with difficulty of course and was about to throw him when his lights turned a solid purple and he started to fight back. I fell to the floor, hissing as the ice slid down my back. I barely had time to breath as Genji kicked and punched me. I gasped for breath as his robotic arm slowly slid out his knife. He pushed me to the freezing floor, the knife inches away from my neck. 

Suddenly, his lights flickered back to red just as he was about to slam the knife down, spearing a hole through my neck.

We hurried back to the base and we saw that the unknown hacker had retreated from the entire base. Lights were flashing, Mercy was hurrying over to the wounded as the Commander beckoned to me.

"Hyacinth, you have been acting funny lately, and the only time I've seen you act like yourself was out there, fighting Genji to protect your fellow agents. Right now, Captain Ana doesn't hold a very high opinion of you, and honestly, with all her stories and your silence, I'm starting to agree with her." I opened my mouth to protest but Morrison raised a hand, silencing me before continuing. "I don't want you to argue with me. I need you to think over my words and go back to your room once your wounds have been treated." He turned away, clearly dismissing me.

I nearly ran back to my room, walking as fast as I could without running. I went through the Commander's words in my head and by the time I'd reached my room I'd figured out a plan. I was going to find out who the unknown hacker was. Once I did, Genji would be safe, the agents would be safe, the Commander and the Captain would trust me again. Everything would fall back into place once I found out who the hacker was.

yeet. :)



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