Chapter 6 - Genji Gets Angsty

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*Genji's POV*

The moment he read that note, that stupid note, Genji had to excuse himself from the room. 

"Genji, wait!" Zinnia cried out, grabbing his arm. "You can't just leave! We have to find her!"

He shrugged her arm off, grunting in irritation as he walked briskly away, his feet being the only sound as they clanked through the corridors.

"Leave him be." Angela whispered. "He's got a lot on his shoulders."

The rest of the team watched as he walked away, silent. The moment Genji passed from their line of sight he sped up to a run, yanking the back door open to get outside. He stumbled through the snow, ignoring the wind that bit at his eyes. The normally graceful ninja slipped in the sludge on his way to a balcony. Genji walked up the stairs, dragging his steps. He was on the verge of tears. The moment he reached the last step he fell and grabbed the balcony railing. He was leaning against it, his other hand against his eyes to stop the flow of tears as his body shook with sobs.

Sage was gone. Everything that made his world brighter was gone. His world was a dark place now, dull. Genji's heart was filled with regret as his tears of heartbreak poured onto that balcony floor. Memories with Sage flashed before his eyes. Those times she always seemed to need him. Those times when her father would abuse her. 

Christmas Day, when they ice skated together on that smooth and frosty morning. 

Overwatch Anniversary Day, when they were standing outside, the stars glittering as if the purity of their love was mirrored above them. 

Those times when she would relax and be herself around him. My goodness she had such a pretty smile, her laugh echoed in my ears.

Those training sessions when he would start to tickle her, all because he wanted to hear her laugh so that it would be implemented in his mind.

That holiday the Overwatch members had, when they had their first kiss together. When they ran outside in the beach for hours until the sun set. 

Then all of a sudden those memories got overshadowed. The brightness and joy of those memories dulled as Genji remembered the most recent things that had happened. 

How he'd felt numb when he saw her giving that smile, the smile that he knew she reserved only for him, to Hanzo. The fire of jealousy flaring up.

How he'd made the biggest mistake in his life. How he'd broken his promise to never hurt her, to always be there for her. That night when he'd asked her to take a break. That night, Genji didn't even care when he'd left the room. He couldn't stop himself from walking away from the only person that had his heart. He could feel his heart shatter slowly, painfully.

He felt the sobs racking his body. The endless waterfall of emotions flowed and dripped from his eyes. His heart screamed how much regret, anguish and heartbreak he felt. 

In that moment, Genji remembered the last conversation with Sage. 

"You're all alone."

"If you don't care for me... then don't come for me..."

"I don't even know why I even loved you in the first place."

If it was possible for his heart to break even more, it did. He was kneeling on the floor, the only thing keeping him up was the balcony rail. Genji absent-mindedly struggled to his feet, wandering aimlessly as his body shook with sobs. He stumbled through the hallways.

"Are you alright, love?" Tracer passed me, glancing at me as I bumped into the walls.

I couldn't walk straight, tears blurred my vision. One word echoed in my head as I walked through the corridors.

Sage. Sage. Sage. Sage.

I finally reached my destination. I opened Sage's room door, finding the note she'd written back on her desk. Before opening her drawer, I read it again, skimming till I found her message to me. I hadn't read it properly, and I needed to know what her last thoughts to me were...

To Genji, my love. That night you broke up with me, you didn't know how deep my devotion ran for you, you didn't know how much it pained me to see you hurt or injured. I'll miss your random hugs from behind, I'll miss Christmas day when I gave you that sweater, but most of all I'll miss the memories we once had and I'll miss you. It brings me great bitterness and sorrow to admit that it was my mistake for not making you love and trust me more. I just want you to know that, no matter what, you'll always have my heart. 

"You'll always have my heart." Genji's voice cracked as he whispered those words.

He turned, numb. Genji's trembling hand set the note down, reaching for the drawer. With dread he saw the box there, with the note still attached:

Please don't open this now, open this when you are alone.

He remembered how much he adored her back then, how much he wished for her to love him back. He opened the box and froze.

The necklace.

It was gone.

She'd taken it with her.

Hope fluttered in his chest, as fragile as a bird. He had to find her. Make sure she was alright. Tell her he was sorry. All he wanted to do was hold her in her arms one last time.

Idk how this angst was, but @PandaCake_389 requested it so I wrote it XDDD. I hope you liked it! 

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