Chapter 5 - Goodbye

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Two nights before...

For the next few days, I buried myself away from the other members. I spent hours poring over my laptop screen, records of the hacker's presence listed out.

"Last known record..." I mumbled drearily.

Normally, if I was busy, someone would come into my room bearing food and drinks. Nowadays, no one did. No one seemed to notice that I was gone. If they did then they hid it very well. All except Angela and Mei ignored me. If I accidentally passed Mei in the hallway, on the way back from her science experiments she would smile and nod but wouldn't say a word. If I caught Dr Angela Ziegler's eyes from across the room, she would smile sadly but wouldn't come over to me. I was alone in my investigation. Well, I didn't tell anyone but it wasn't like they asked me. 

I shook my head, blinking my eyes open. I needed to find someone in the base who had a direct connection to the hacker. Luckily, there were three. I peered through my curtain.

"Is it already nighttime? So late?" I rubbed my eyes as I yawned. 

Before leaving my room I looked in the full-length mirror that leaned against the wall. I was pale from not going outside and looking at the sun. Eye bags hung over my eyes and there was a haunted look in them. I scratched my head, my hair looked like I hadn't washed or brushed it for days. I could tell from my limbs that my muscles were starting to become wasted from lack of use. My lips were chapped. I wore a grey shirt and black pyjama shorts. I was a complete mess, basically. 

I checked the time on my phone: 11:15. Good. Everyone was in bed by now. The food area would still be open in case anyone needed any snacks in the middle of the night. I opened my door quietly, tiptoeing through the dark hallways. As I crept back through the corridors with a tray in my hand holding a bottle of water and some food I heard a voice behind me.

"Hyacinth?" I froze, dropping my tray with a clatter. I knew that voice all too well. What pained me was that he said my taken name... not my real one.

"Genji." My voice was hoarse and croaky from lack of use.

"Let me help you." I saw him walk into my vision, quietly picking the tray and food up.

"Thank you." I whispered as he handed it back to me.

"Listen, Hyacinth." I was about to walk away but he stepped in front of me, blocking the path.

"Why should I?" I could feel myself tearing up again, the heartbreak was still too raw.

"What's wrong? You're not like yourself."

"What do you mean?" My eyes finally flitted to his red ones. "Why should you care?" My voice was dull, filled with no emotion.

"Look at you." He grasped my shoulders. "You're pale, dehydrated, weak. You haven't washed your hair in days. I've seen you sneak out when you think no one is watching, to steal some food back to your room. No one in the base knows where you are. Some even think you've gone away."

"So?" I tried to be defiant, but it was hard when his strong hands reminded me all too well how weak and pathetic I was as they gripped my thin shoulders.

"Where have you gone? Zinnia is worried for you. Everyone is." I waited for him to speak more, was he going to confess? "I'm worried for you." Genji's voice cracked.

"I'm fine. You don't care for me do you?" I wriggled out of his grasp. "You certainly didn't that night when you came to my room to break up with me."

His eyes hardened. "I don't know why I followed you here." Genji took a deep breath as if to brace himself. "I don't know why I came to ask if you were okay. Clearly you're fine, being pathetic and weak. I don't even know why I loved you in the first place."

With every word, a knife plunged into my heart. It was bleeding heavily. By the time he said the last sentence, I looked away, ducking my head to hide my face.

"If you don't care for me... then don't come to me..." I whispered, my voice betraying the anguish I was feeling.

"Fine. Then I won't come. You're friendless now. You're all alone. Good luck." He spat, pushing past me as he strode down the hallway, his footsteps clanking against the metal.

I couldn't even wait till he was out of earshot before I collapsed on the floor, the tray falling to the ground again. I heard the footsteps pause for a bit before continuing. I covered my mouth, trying to hide the sounds of torture. Sooner than later, I heard a light turn on. I heard someone wake up in a room next to me.


I grabbed my tray, running as fast as I could back to my room, not caring how much noise I made as I yanked the door open. I shut it, my heart beating fast as my chest moved up and down. 


The next night, I zipped my bag closed. It was one of those bags that held more than you thought they did. They held changes of clothes, water, food and basically everything I needed if I was going to leave Overwatch. All of my money was kept in there. I shouldered the bag, making sure I had everything. Before I opened my door, I wrote a note on my desk.

To anyone who comes to my room to check on me,
I've gone. I'm not in the base. I'm not going because of Genji. Or because of Zinnia. I'm not even leaving because none of you cared about me for the past few days that I was here. I'm leaving because I'm going to find out who that hacker is. I'm going to protect the team I once loved. I may not come back, but just to let you know. I will always cherish the memories we shared. 

To Zinnia, my best friend for the time I've been part of this family, thank you. I never meant to fight you. I'm so sorry that I had to leave, but you'll be better off once I get to the bottom of this. 

To Genji, my love. That night you broke up with me, you didn't know how deep my devotion ran for you, you didn't know how much it pained me to see you hurt or injured. I'll miss your random hugs from behind, I'll miss Christmas day when I gave you that sweater, but most of all I'll miss the memories we once had and I'll miss you. It brings me great bitterness and sorrow to admit that it was my mistake for not making you love and trust me more. I just want you to know that, no matter what, you'll always have my heart. 

The last thing I want to say to my teammates is goodbye, but I suppose I have to write it sometime in this letter.


I didn't sign it. I felt that I couldn't write anymore. My hand shook as I dropped the pencil. I swallowed the lump rising in my throat as I quietly opened the door. My bracelets were clasped securely around my wrist, my necklace fastened around my neck. A blue orb hung over my hand, sending a glow over my pale face as I crept quickly to the exit. The moment I stepped outside, I immediately felt better. The moonlight shone over my unhealthy skin as the stars glittered above. I took a deep breath, readying myself as I started to leap away from the mountain where the Overwatch base was, away from my home.

Well that was very dramatic and cheesy and cliche :) I hope you guys liked this bad angst :D (i didn't get @Human_CheshireCat to write it for me so that's why it's so bad)

I'm working on the next chapter, and I might not have enough time to get it done by tmrw so I hope you don't mind if the next chapter is a little late :)


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