Chapter 7 - Travel

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I'd crossed the border from Switzerland to France. I'd already received five missed calls from Zinnia and a ton more from the other members of the Overwatch team. I'd stubbornly ignored them, waiting for the ringing to stop. When I'd made it to France, I felt relief sink in to me. It was unlikely that they would follow me here. 

During the cold nights in France I would wrap myself up in my sweater and scarf on one of the roofs, tracking the hacker down. I'd managed to get through the hack to actually manage to hear their voice. The voice spoke Mexican and it sounded like a Mexican/Spanish woman. I finally had a lead. 

"Apagandolas luces..." I repeated the recording over and over again, the Spanish ringing in my ears.

I looked up, seeing the last light of day leave the sky and the stars start to come out. I had to get from Chamonix to Grenoble by midday tomorrow. I had to sleep early. I was planning on getting to near the coast of France at Montpellier by the end of the next day. I shifted, arranging my sleeping position as I closed my eyes, my body exhausted from the hurry from Switzerland...


"She isn't answering her phone. All of her calls have gone to voice mail. She hasn't read or replied to any of our texts. She's dead!" Dr Ziegler was pacing Commander Morrison's office worriedly. "If only I'd cared for her bette-"

"Angela, calm down." Captain Ana said sharply. "There is nothing we can do. All we must hope is that she's left the country and still lives."

Zinnia was biting her nails. "But what if she's captured?"

"Who would want to capture her?" Commander Morrison asked.

"Commander, sir, where's Reyes?" Genji suddenly opened the door.

Captain Ana frowned. "He said he was going to go train the Blackwatch team."

"McCree and I have been training for the past half hour, and Reyes wasn't there." 

Angela's eyes widened.

"Calm down everyone." Commander Morrison stood up. "He's innocent, he's not a trai-"

"You know he's been after you ever since you got the role of Commander." Captain Ana butted in.

"That doesn't mean-" He started to say slowly.

"Sir, Reyes is back." Genji informed him.

Ana glanced expectantly at Morrison.

"Alright, alright." He finally caved, throwing his hands up in defeat. "I'll ask him!"

Ana shot a triumphant look at the back of Morrison's head as she followed him out of the office where Reyes was walking through the main room.

"Gabriel! Where have you been?" Commander Morrison called out.

"Oh, out for a walk." Reyes turned around, his eyes wide and innocent.

"That's a long walk. What did you do?" He asked, approaching him.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out!" Gabriel grinned smugly. 

Zinnia almost thought she heard an quiet laugh escape his lips as he turned around to walk away from Commander Morrison. She looked back at Morrison  to see him narrowing his eyes suspiciously.


I leaped quietly down from the low roof, quiet as a mouse. I hid myself in the shadows, away from the daylight and the laughing people. I crept through the alleyways of Spain, slowly making my way to one of the airports. It had been a few days since I last left France.

I panted heavily, leaning against the wall. I was at the last city before the city that had the airport I needed to get to. My water and food supplies were running out, I was going to have to spend the precious money I'd brought with me.

The night before I'd started to think... maybe this wasn't a good idea. Sure I was an adult but I'd just left my only job/home. I was on a mission that I would probably die trying to get to. I sighed. All I needed to do was get to the Spanish airport and then take a plane over to Mexico. I closed my eyes, sweat dripping from them. I needed a good rest. A long deep rest. I hadn't been sleeping well. My dreams had been filled with anguish and torment. The Overwatch members flashing before my eyes.

I shook my head. My plane was due to leave in two days, I had time to rest for that day and go there the next. I wiped the dirt from my face, my dirty fingernails coming into view. I sighed, getting up from my leaning position on the wall to carefully creeping out into the sunlight. It hurt my eyes as it shone on my face. Even though my eyes were screwed up painfully against the sun, I immediately felt better. My pale, sickly skin hadn't seen the light of day for a long time. I swiftly walked down to the coastal area, where there were ridges with grass and trees. 

I dropped onto the ridges, searching for hours before finally finding one with a cave. The grass felt soft beneath my shoes and I finally laid my things down. I was exhausted, every muscle in my body ached. My throat was parched as I looked up at the sky. I took my phone out for the first time in days. Surprisingly, it hadn't run out of battery. I checked it to find several missed calls and texts. But there was one that stood out to me.

"Genji..." I muttered drowsily. "Why did you call me...?"

Absent-mindedly I tapped the notification, calling him back. The sound of his voice brought me relief and a new sense of regret.


"Genji!" I sighed, smiling as I finally heard him say my real name since we fought.

"Sage where are you?" He asked, concerned.

"I'm on the coast of Spain. Don't come for me. If you do, don't bring the rest of the team with you. I don't want you trying to bring me back." By the last words I was croaking them out, my voice hoarse.

"I'll come. You need food and water." 

"You don't even know where I am."

"I'll find you."

"No, Genji-" By then the line cut off. 

The moment his voice fell away I felt tears brim to my eyes. I missed him so much. I missed Zinnia and all my Overwatch friends. I scooted further into the cave, darkness falling over my skin and my face again. I curled up in a fetal position, my knees to my chest and my arms wrapped tightly around my legs.

I know the story isn't really that interesting at the moment, but it will get more interesting I promise! :) I hope you've been liking it so far!!


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