🌥departure🌥 five

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By the time Mark and Jackson woke up, the only other person left in the house was BamBam. Everyone else was out visiting family, running errands, or just trying to get out of the house except for the three; Mark and Jackson wanted to spend the day together in private and BamBam simply wanted to relax at home. Since BamBam would most likely keep to himself, Mark and Jackson weren't worried about getting bothered.

Starting the moment Jackson woke up, Mark kept his word. He meant it when he said he would spend every minute convincing Jackson how amazing he was. That's why Jackson was woken up by two gentle hands running through his hair. Mark stared down at him with an endearing look, his small smile shining down at Jackson.

"Morning," Mark greeted. "Sorry if I woke you up. I couldn't help but admire how adorable you are when you sleep."

"That's so creepy." Jackson groggily sat up and rested his head on Mark's shoulder, leaning on the headboard of the bed with Mark.

"Are you even surprised, though?" Mark let out a small laugh and pecked Jackson on the cheek. "Let's go out to the living room. I think Yugyeom bought a box of donuts and left them in the kitchen."

"But it's cozy here," Jackson pouted, pleading with his eyes for Mark to get food for him.

"Fine, I'll go get them," Mark grumbled. He got out of the bed with an annoyed stomp in his step, even though he was actually giddy and excited on the inside.

"Thank you, Markie."

When Mark returned, he almost dropped the plate in his hands. He never thought he'd be so lucky to get to see Jackson Wang laying in bed with a cat in his arms. The sight alone was enough to send Mark fangirling, so hearing Jackson's quiet coos too had Mark nearly speechless.

"I thought you didn't want to get out of bed. Why'd I get us food if you were going to get up and grab a cat anyways?" Mark teased, plopping down next to Jackson.

"I remembered that Jaebum isn't here, so I took it as an opportunity to borrow one of his cats. He never lets us play with them." Jackson gently stroked Nora's back, content that the cat wasn't trying to run away from him.

"I can't argue with that." Mark reached over and gave Jackson a bite of a donut, letting Jackson use both of his hands to continue petting the cat. "I don't know why he thought it was okay for him to suddenly bring three cats into the dorm and then refuse to let us see them."

"I don't care because I can steal them like this when he's not around. Plus, they don't pee on my shoes or kill my plants like Coco." Jackson grimaced, genuinely disheartened after thinking about his ruined plant.

"You're still caught up on that plant?" Mark chuckled at Jackson's serious nod. "I think that you just were too attached to it. I mean, you even named it."

"Can you blame me?" Jackson sassed. "Coco hated me—Bob was all I had!"

"I swear, sometimes I question why I put up with you." Mark fed Jackson another bite, smiling at the couple of sprinkles left on the corner of his lips. "You're adorable."

"What are you staring-"

Mark cut Jackson off with a kiss, taking his time to lick off the sprinkles and frosting left on Jackson's mouth. Jackson was left flustered and shocked; he wasn't used to Mark being so bold around him. His heart was beating out of his chest and he wanted to throw up because of how happy he was. He just sat open mouthed, staring at Mark when he pulled away.

"You had something right there." Mark kissed the corner of Jackson's mouth again.

"Okay," Jackson stuttered, unable to look Mark in the eye because of how embarrassed he was. He quickly moved his focus back to Nora, petting her like she was the only thing on his mind.

"I mean it, you know," Mark began, breaking the few moments of silence. "You're adorable and perfect and everything that anyone could ever hope for. I hate that you don't see yourself the way everyone else does."

"You exaggerate too much." Jackson hid his face behind Nora to conceal the blush on his cheeks.

"I would never lie." Mark smiled a smug smirk, proud of his effect on Jackson. "Besides, I need to inflate your ego for your upcoming solo album. Can't have you promoting if you're not annoyingly cocky and stuck up, can we?"

"I don't think being cocky and stuck up would work to my advantage." Jackson, still using Nora to cover up his face, peeked an eye up at Mark. "I might just get booed off the stage."

"Even if you were an annoying ass, everyone would love you the same," Mark assured him. He laid a hand on the nape of Jackson's neck, playing with his hair.

"You mean you would love me the same?"

"Well, yeah. But I mean the fans and our members, too." Mark thought for a moment, collecting the right words to say. "I know you're worried about your solo debut, but I also know that you're going to kill it. Everyone's going to jealous of your skills."

"But what if I mess up? Or they're underwhelmed with what I accomplished because they've been hyping it up so much?" Jackson's embarrassment was quickly washed away by anxiety for his approaching debut. He was terrified, quite honestly.

"You won't mess up and, even if you did, no one would think worse of you. If anything, you'd seem more human. And no one is going to be disappointed. Anything from you will be great." Mark saw the uneasiness lingering on Jackson's expression. "You'll be fine, I promise."

"Really?" Jackson held out his pinky, waiting for Mark to make a pinky promise with him.

"Yes, really," Mark chuckled, wrapping his pink around Jackson's.

"I hope you're right."

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