The Experiment

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Mark's Pov
I walked into the science lab and looked around.Everything looked normal.I walked past a few rooms and saw other scientists giving medicine to the experiments.I came up to one and saw about 6 scientists circled around a bed.I could see a bit of green hair and a bit of a fish tail.
I knocked on the door and my friend Felix turned around.He waved for me to come in.
"Hey Mark how's it going?" He said.
"Good" I said back and looked over his shoulder to look at the new experiment.
"Come on and get a closer look." Felix said and gestured me to come over.
I slowly walked over and saw a man that looked in his 20's,laying on the bed with gills and a fish tail.His eyes closed and had another scientist spraying him down with a squirt bottle.
"You like him?He cost at least 3 grand." Felix said.
"3 grand?!" I said back.
"Yep.They said his mom got an abortion before he was born.So they took him out and combined fish genes with his regular ones,which gave them this!" Felix said.
I looked down at him while all these scientists poked and prodded at him.I hate seeing this.He looked so wasn't fair.
"Uh Dr.Felix he's waking up." One of the scientists said.
"Ok Mark you ready?" Felix asked.
I nodded.
"What's his name?" I asked.
"Uh I'm pretty sure it's Jack?" Felix said.
"Jack." I said.
His eyes snapped open and he looked all around.He looked terrified.
"Hi Jack my name is Felix and this is Mark.We are gonna keep you here for a little while."
Felix tried to get his attention but his eyes were glued onto me.I couldn't look away either.He had beautiful ocean blue eyes.His shiny green hair fell in his face.His beautiful pale skin looked like it was glowing.
"Uhm Jack?" Felix said waving a hand in front of his face.
He quickly took his eyes off me and looked up at Felix.
"We're gonna take you to the tank ok?" Felix said.
The nurse who was spraying him with water stopped for a minute to go get more water.We then saw his tail transform into legs,but he was completely naked.My face turned red and I put my hand on my mouth while turning my head to the side.
"Fascinating!" Felix yelled making Jack jump.
They rolled the bed he was on to a big room with a tank of water in it.They carefully put him in and as soon as he made contact with the water his tail replaced his legs.Then a nurse came in and said
"Dr.Fischbach we need assistance with injecting medicine into a patient."
They all thought I was pretty strong so I had to help them hold down a patient..We called the experiments patients because it sounded better.After I was done helping the nurse I went back into the room Jack was in.No one was in there so I went up to the tank and saw him sitting up in a corner with where his knees would be up to his chin.I stared at him for a minute until he finally felt my presence.He swam over to the glass and cocked his head to the right.I put a hand up to he glass and hi put his where mine was.
"Aww!" Felix said from behind me,making me jump.
Jack swam back to his corner and started to shake a bit.I looked at him very confused.
"So Mark I can see you've taken a liking to Jack here." He said smirking.
I blushed and nodded.I turned and looked back into the tank.He obviously saw me nod because he swam back up to the glass.Then I looked back at Felix and his smirk got wider.
"You should totally get in the tank with him!" Felix said.
My face turned red and I looked back at him.He must have heard Felix because his face was red too.I most definitely like this merman.Maybe a little too much...

Hey Admin here I decided to do another Septiplier story about Jack as a merman.Hope you like it and I'm doing the next chapter now!

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