New Girl?

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"Hi I'm (Y/N)"You smiled at the new girl.
"I'm Ella"She said looking around.
"Sooo I heard there is another kid here from Juvie"She adds.
"Yes there is, his name is---"You get cut of by her shouting and running towards him.
"Griff/Ella!"The hold each other tightly. You felt your chest tighten.
"Well look like you have someone to give you a tour"You say looking at both of them.
"I have to go"You add getting up from your table.
"Wait!"Griff says grabbing your wrist. You turn around and gently pull your hand away.
"You have to show her around"You says not looking at him.
"We need to catch up"Ella smiled grabbing Griffs hand.
You take the chance and quickly walk away. You walk to the dock and sat down. You take off your shoes so they wouldn't get wet. You start to sing.
(Start the song but I nu write lyrics cuz I a lazy potato)
"We're like fire and drive me insane"

"Zuri show her around please"Griff says and walks away to the woods. He sings the same song as her.
They both walk around and end up at there cabin doors. They look at each other but (Y/N) looks back to the door and walk in. Griff sighs and walks in they both slam the door.

I tryed. Srry Ella if I made u look like the bad guy.

My Bad Boy {Griff X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now