Chapter 1:

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Most of my life has been a lie.

There has been moments when I have been sorta like my true self.

Yes, during the first part of the chunin exams I did let Ino take over my mind. I could of forced her out but why would I do that? Also when I was answering the questions I new that the point was to cheat but I just needed to use my brain. Some of the questions were hard but most were easy. My IQ is almost as high as Shikamaru's I just never showed it.

I truly care for my team mates. Just not in the way people think.

The person I showed to everyone was just one of my personalities that my mind made to cope with trauma.

For one, my parents are not my parents. They are my Aunt and Uncle. Yup. My parents were killed in front of me.

They were amazing shinobi! My mother could also do medical-ninjutsu! We were really happy. I was going to have a little sister so my mother was taking a break from missions while my dad would go on missions.

I was so happy. I was only four then. But that all came to an end. My dad came back from a mission and he seemed worried. Then I didn't think anything of it but... I should have... A week later when my parents were putting me to bed, I remember scarey men coming in from my window and my door and they killed my parents right in front of me.

They didn't just killed my parents... They killed my little sister... My little sister that didn't even get to breath oxygen... My little sister that I never got to hold or hug... They took my whole life... The only thing I could do was scream... I screamed and cried... There blood was splattered on my face as I stared at there lifeless bodies on the ground. The men gave a sickening smile. They were proud of what they did.

Something came over me and I got the kunai that my father made me put under my pillow just days before and ran at one of the three men that killed my parents, and attacked him. I had all this strength and speed that came out of nowhere and I killed that man. I stabbed him in the heart... His blood splattered on my face and he feel to the ground. I stabbed him so hard my kunai was stuck. I looked at his shocked face.

I was so angry and sad. Why would they do something like that? It was horrible.

I reached for his kunai pouch and grabbed another kunai out of it and turned around to look at the other two men. They looked at me in shock. I started running at them but some other people wearing masks came in, making me drop the kunai. One of them ran at me and started talking to me while the others took the evil ninjas into custody.

The man in the mask kneeled down to my height, took his mask off and smiled saying, "Hello, my name is Uchiha Itachi but you can just call me Itachi. What is your name?"

"Sakura, Haruno Sakura," I replied, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand and sniffling.

"Well, Sakura-chan, do you want to come with me to get all cleaned up?" He asked, reaching his hand out to me.

"Okay, Itachi-san," I said, reaching for his hand as he wrapped his arms around me and picked me up.

He didn't seem to mind the blood that I was covered in that started to soak his clothes. I was so tired that I started to fall asleep. Before I feel asleep I hured Itachi say, "Kakashi, Yamato, I'm going to take Sakura-chan to my house to rest and get cleaned up."

The next thing I remember is Itachi walking into a house and I hured a woman say, "Dear lord, Itachi. What happened?"

"I will explain, I just need to get Sakura-chan cleaned up," Itachi said while I opened my eyes to see Itachi and a pretty woman.

Itachi seemed to noticed that I opened my eyes and looked down at me and said, "Sakura-chan, you're up. I need to get you cleaned up."

"Okay, 'tachi-kun," I answered and looked around to see where we are. "Itachi-kun, where are we?"

"Where at my house and that woman over there is my mother," Itachi-kun said and has a ghost of a smile.

Itachi started walking down a hallway to the bathroom and his mother followed us saying, "Itachi, you can't clean her up! She's a young girl! Let me clean her up!"

I looked at his mother is fear and held onto Itachi-kun. I then started to cry and said, "No! 'tachi-kun is going to clean me up!"

His mother looked at me in pity and confusion and Itachi-kun said while wiping my tears away, "Don't worry, I'll clean you up."

Itachi-kun walked into a bathroom and his mother started the bath while he started to take of my blood stained clothes. After he took my clothes off he set me in the water.

His mother grabbed a towel and handed it to Itachi-kun. He dipped it in the water and started washing the blood off my face. While he was doing this I looked him in the eyes and asked, "Why did they kill my parents?"

I could see his mother's eyes widen from her seat on the counter.

Itachi-kun sighed and said, "The ninja that killed your parents were given' a mission to kill your mother and father. Either your mother or father made their leader angry and made them kill your parents."

I looked down and tears started falling from my eyes. "Why? It's not fair! Why did they have to die? I miss them already!"

Itachi-kun grabbed my chin and made me look him in they eyes and said, "I know it's not fair..."

"But they killed her! They killed my little sister! I was going to be a big sister! But now she is gone!" I yelled, more tears streaming down my face.

Before anything else could be said, two more people entered the room.

"Mother, what are you doing and why is there a girl in the bathroom with no clothes on?" a little boy asked.

"Sasuke can you please go find some clothes that you think would fit Sakura and I will explain everything later," Itachi-kun's mother said.

I guess that's how it started. I have no regrents. As a shinobi you don't know when you could die. There is no time for guilt.

Find something to live for. And live for it and don't look back.

The Real Me (Discontinued)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon