Chapter 6

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I totally forgot to tell you when the school year starts... Oops. January 2nd is the first school day and it's been just over 2 months in the story so March has just started. I will try to start putting the weather stuff in the story so the time of year is easier to understand. I'm so sorry. I messed up on some of the weather so I will have to go back and change it. I feel so bad. I'm so sorry.


I put my Kunai holster on my right leg, pulled on my ninja sandals and pulled my turtle neck jacket over my t-shirt.

"By mother, I'm leaving for training."

"By, Itachi."

I quickly walk out the door, the March air just now breaking through the chill of winter, spring so soon and the buzz of new life coming near.

I sighed, even me the emotionless protege can't wait for the warm weather of spring. It would be Sakura's birthday soon, I wonder what I should get her. Knowing her she's probably perpesly made no friends. Even I can't understand what goes through her mind sometimes. That child will still remain a mystery to me some of the time. I chuckle, what a silly child she can be.

I pick up my pase, not wanting to be late. The morning air passing by me as I head to Mibuki's café to pick up Sakura.

I walk into Mibuki's café, warm cozy air with the smell of fresh coffee enveloped me.

Sakura looks up from her book at the window table, "Hello, Itachi-kun."

"Hello, Sakura-chan," I smile a ghost of a smile, "Mebuki-san, I will be taking Sakura now."

"Thanks, Itachi-san," she smiles at me but I can still see the worry is her eyes from this whole mess of being a protege, "Sakura, be back before dinner."

Sakura smiles, "Okay, I will."

Sakura walks up to me, grabbes my hand and we walk out of the café together. The cold hair hits us and Sakura chivers a little.

I wonder if she needs warmer clothes, ugh, baka, stop worrying about her so much, she will be fine. Why do I worry about her so much? Is she really important to me? That can't be.

We entered the training ground, I looked down at Sakura as she lets go of my hand, my hand could still feel the warmth from her hands and longed for it, I try to ignore it, "Do you're basic warm up and stretching than I will teach you a new Jutsu."

"Okay, Itachi-kun," she starts the warm ups.

Sakura starts her punching, hitting a wooden dummy for practice, "Bend your knees a little more, center your weight down, make your self heavy. Also bring those elbows down, you are open, you need to protect your ribes and stumach."

"Okay, Itachi."

Sakura finishes her warm ups, walks towards me and sits down.

"I will be teaching you a fire style Jutsu, even though your chakra nature is earth and wind. Than I will be teaching you basic Kenjutsu," I explain to Sakura what we will be working on today.

"Okay, Itachi-kun."

I stand up and Sakura-chan follows, "The hand sighs for Fire Ball: Fire Ball Jutsu is serpent, dragon, hare, tiger," I tell her the needed hand signs while showing them to her.

Sakura does the hand signs and makes a decent size fire ball. It's strange how Sakura has never yelled out the Justus, she just does them, just like what I do.

I smile at her, "Good job Sakura-chan, now just practice it for a little while longer."

I watch her practice the Jutsu, the fire ball getting bigger each time. After a while I could see Sakura's chakra level empty more than halfway but she didn't show any sign of fatigue.  I let her practice some more.

"Come Sakura, rest."

"Yes Itachi."

She sits down next to me and wipps a small amount of sweat from her forehead. She sits their in silence, waiting for me to speak. I could see her try to take glances at me with out my knowing and I think she can see the seroiuse look I have.

I try to find a way how to say what I want to say but no words came out. Sakura shifts closer to me and looks up at my face, "Itachi-kun, what is wrong?"

I look at her in worry and pull a strand of hair behind her ear, she looks slightly shocked by this, "I worry they will want to take you on missions soon."

Sakura frowns slightly but smile slightly, "It's okay. With your training, I will be fine and nothing will really change. They will just be testing me, right? Nothing to worry about, things will stay the same, just with a few missions here and there. Now, aren't you going to teach ne some Kenjutsu?"

I try to smile, "Okay, Sakura-chan."

I stand up, take a scroll from my pouch and summen two sticks, I hand one to Sakura. I could see the slight confusion is her eyes and answer her unasked question, "Before we start with the sword, I will teach you the basics of most sword styles. Danzo-sama wants you to be good at everything and knowing how to use a tonto is one of the things you have to know to be qualified for ROOT. I know he didn't directly say that but that was his meaning for this. One of my captains says, always look beneath the underneath. Never let anything go unnotest, always be aware of everything."

"Okay, Itachi."

I continue to teach her the basics and everything I teach her she memories instantly.

Sakura finishes her training for today and I throw her a water bottle, she catches it. I sigh and sit next to her.

"Hmm, Sakura-chan, your birthday is coming up, what do you want?"

Sakura looks deep in though, "Books."

I chuckle, so Sakura like, "Is that it?"

Sakura looks like she wants to say something, I wait, knowing she will say is eventually, "I want to hangout with you." I could see a blush on her face.

My heart rises for a moment in happiness, "What ever you want Sakura. You're turning six, right."


"You should head home soon but I want you to stretch first."

"Okay, Itachi-kun."

She stretches for ten minutes and than we both make our way home.


I deeply apologies for the long wait. I'm so sorry for not posting. Please tell me if there is anything I need to fix, I would love it people would give helpful comments. Thank you for reading!

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