Chapter 8

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I'm going over the review before the test tomorrow with the class and I see Haruno Sakura obviously not paying attention. A tick mark appears on my forehead, I can't have her turn into another slacker. As I'm passing out a sheet I make my way to her desk and slam the paper onto her desk.

"What do you think you are doing?! Slacking off are you?!" I yell. Some of the class burst into laughter and others gasped in shock.

She doesn't seem startled by this, strangely calm if I would say so. I smacked the book from her that she was reading and read the title. Kenjutsu! Why the heck is a child reading something this advanced?! I know, just know that Haruno Sakura is hiding something and isn't who she says she is or not exactly who she says she is.

I scold Sakura for a little and when I'm just about to leave she turns to water and the book turns into a banana. Everyone is shocked by this. I growl, she is going to be in a lot of trouble for this.

"Class, fill out this paper, I will be back," I storm out of the classroom and to the Hokage.

The Hokage is at the Academy, giving out missions to shinobi of all rank. I knock on the door and hear enter. I enter quickly and rush to the Hokage.

"Hokage-sama! Haruno Sakura was not paying attention in class and reading a book. So, I went up to her to make her stop and pay attention but she tricked me, she did a substitution jutsu and a water clone jutsu!" I was practicly freaking out and I just notice the other jonin and chunin in the room.

Hokage dismisses them with a wave of a hand and they leave the room, "Iruka, calm down and sit down, I will explain everything but this is classified information."

I call down and sit down in a chair across from the Hokage but what could possibly be classified. I wait passionately for Hokage-sama to continue.

"Haruno Sakura, she is surprising, isn't she? A strange one, kind of mysteries."

I node in aggrement but I'm still confused what this had to do with anytbibg, "What does this have to do with anything, Hokage-sama?"

"Haruno Sakura when she was four, her parents and her soon to be little sister were killed by rouge ninja, they where going to kill her but she defended her self. She killed the rouge ninja to protect her self before ANBU could get there. Danzo heard of this and wanted to use her, the only way I could keep her safe was to come to a aggrement with Danzo. We agreed that she would train with Uchiha Itachi and attend the academy to look after Naruto."

To say I was shocked was a understatement, that poor soul will be treated as a tool by people who want power, "Hokage-sama, why does this have to happen?" I already know why but I didn't want to know.

"I think you know very well why, Iruka," Hokage-sama's calm and caring voice says, I look down in sadness.

"What else will he want to do with her?"

"That is unsure to me, all I know is that it is nothing good and there is not much we can do about it and that pains me."

"Thank you, Hokage-sama," I bow and leave to get back to my students.

Before I could completely leave the Hokage stops me, "Iruka, one last thing."


"I'll send some ninja to get her and bring her back to class," I could practicly see the amusement he was getting from that.

I smirk, "Thank you."

*   *   *

The only place I could think to hide from the shinobi trying to find me and bring me back to the Academy was the Uchiha compound. Itachi won't mind that much, right? Actually he would probably kill me... What ever, screw it! It's worth a shot.

I quickly run through the trees to the Uchiha compound, barely breaking a sweat as I travel at a fast pace. Training really does pay off. Not to brag but I do have some muscles and maybe even a 2 pack. Hey, I'm a small child, I can't get much more than that but when I'm older I'm going to be really strong and really flexible. Plus, I'm going to know a ton of ninjutsus, tyjutsus, kenjutsh and fuinjutsu. It's going to be amazing but the reason my power is going to be used, not so much. I wish people would get the stick up out of there butt, suck up there ego and sit around a table and talk about their problems and differences, like people with real hearts should.

I will continue to get stronger to rid the Earth of suffering, that is my nindo, my ninja way.

I drop from the trees and land in front of the Uchiha compound. I facepalm, Itachi is on a mission, he won't be home. I'm so stupid sometimes. I'll just go to the lake than.

I make my way to the lake, sit on the dock and look out at the water. I start to think deeply. If you can use chakra to walk on trees, walls and ceilings, can't you use it to walk on water? How would that work, the other objects are solids so they stay one shape but water is never still so it would be harder to work with. I may be smart but I'm not a genius.

"Deep in thought I see," a deep voice rumbles behind me.

This startles me a little, I look behind me and see Fugaku-san, "Aa."

"What would someone like you be doing skipping class and deciding to ponder in thought in the Uchiha training grounds," not much emotion was in his voice but you could tell that he really wanted to know what I was thinking.

I chuckle, "Itachi tought me to walk on trees, walls and ceilings with chakra and I got the hang of it right as he tought me but how do you walk on water? It's the same concept as walking on a solid, use a balanced amount of chakra but water is all ways moving. So, you would have to constantly change the position of your chakra but how do you know how much you need?" I explain my situation.

He chuckles, "You really are very similar to my son," he starts walking away, "Now, I will leave you to figure that out on your own."

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