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1 year ago..

"There's a party Saturday night, just about every senior is going, you should come!"

"Think about what you just said, seniors? I'm a junior Ana, they aren't gonna let me in"

"Don't worry Melody, I got you covered! You're coming and you're going as my plus one!"

"Okay okay, I'll go... but don't let me drink too much, okay?"

"I'll watch your back, no more than three drinks."


"I promise you the only thing you'll have too much of is attention, because you're gonna be the hottest one at the party!" Ana promised.

"Attention? Oh god.. that means-"

"Yup! We're going shopping! Trust me when I say, every single guy in that party is gonna Desire you"

Present time..

Melody is woken up by tiny pushes on her arm; she turns over and slowly opens her eyes to only see her beautiful daughter Iryse (Iris), her gorgeous light brown eyes beam at her mother, and she pops her pink little binkie in her mouth and giggles.

"Well hello cutie, I see you had a good night's rest?" Melody coo's.

Iryse smiles as Melody gets up, spins her baby girl in her arms and heads to the kitchen to start breakfast. She sets Iryse down in her high chair, and prepares some milk in a baby bottle for her, soon after she got started on some eggs and bacon. After she finished breakfast she called for her mother.

"Ooh Mom! There's breakfast for you down stairs, along with your lovely granddaughter!"

"Okay dear, now you go get ready for school!" Her Mother replied.

Melody kisses her daughter on the forehead, and rushes to her room, she hops in the shower and quickly washes up and picks out her favorite outfit, which consists of a black tank top, skinny jeans and burgundy low top Converse's. She grabbed her bag, kissed her daughter once more and said goodbye to her mother and headed off to school in her car.

Not long after, she pulled into the schools parking lot, the famous Desert Ridge High School. Melody smiles at the words on the massive building, she truly loved the school and all the staff, but mostly the schools curriculum. She cruised through the parking lot to find a good parking space, but the only thing she found was a huge crowd circling something...

She parks her car to side of the commotion and hops out, grabs her belongings, and slamming the door shut. she hears what everybody's circling and it appears to be a fight! she pushes through the crowd she gets passed and sees a horrible sight..

Her bestfriend Jesse in a fight with another student! She quickly rushes in.

"Hey dumbass! Get the hell off of him!" Melody pushes the guy off and helps up Jesse. Jesse was the type of friend where if you're in a confrontation with someone he'll stand up for not only himself but his friends too, so she didn't see him as the fighting type, guess she was wrong. Melody takes in what the other guy looked like, well of course from what she could see only because he was facing the other way. From the amount of skin she could see he was covered in tattoos, his neck, arms and hands where plastered with art, and pretty good art at that. He was wearing black jeans and a white shirt, with bright red converse. To Melody he kinda looked familiar. Melody spoke "What's your problem asshole?!" She spat, infuriated.

"Watch who you're talking to sweetheart." the guy says as he's turning around, and that's when Melody realizes who she's talking to. And apparently so does the guy.

"Well, look who we have here.." he says.

"Oh god.." Melody breathing shakily, 'it's... him. It's Mark. I thought he moved schools.." She assumed.

"It's been a long time hasn't it, baby?" Mark grins. His smile, as white as pearls blinded Melody. To Melody he's changed a lot, his hair was longer but still messy as ever, and he also had two slits in one of his eyebrows with the addition of a snake bite. it looked as if he recently got it due to the slight redness around it. He was wearing a ripped t-shirt, giving definition to the shape of his toned arms.

"Mel, please don't tell me you were friends with this asshole?" Jesse interrupted, slightly upset at the vulgar tone Mark has towards Melody.

"Oh me and Mel here go way back, in fact we .....were more than just friends" Mark chuckles then sighs "Weren't we Mel?" He asks.

Melody draws a blank, her nightmare has returned in her life and she has nothing to say.

"Cat got your tongue? I can't say I'm surprised." Mark was cut off.

"Shut up man! I don't have a clue as to what happened between you two but I'd like it if you'd shut your fucking mouth!" Jesse yelled, he only interrupted Mark because he saw the tears forming in Melodies eyes.

"How about you come over here and make me Clarinton?" Mark teased, making fun of Jesse's last name. Jesse tensed up, but Melody quickly gripped his arm trying to tell him to calm down, fortunately he did. Mark laughs.

"Just to let you know, lover boy over here has a crush on you Mel" Mark's smile faded. 'He does?' Melody thought, looking over at a tomato red Jesse. He looks back and smiles awkwardly.

"Uh... we should go Mel the bells gonna ring any minute now." Jesse said, breaking the tension. Melody agreed and the started walking off towards one of the school entrances.

"Ooh, Jesse?" Mark called.

"What Mark?" He replied.

Mark slowly walked over to Jesse, Melody tensed up at how close he was to the both of them. Mark roughly grabbed the back of Jesse neck, pulled him close and whispered something in his ear backed away slowly, Mark made eye contact with Mel, he smiled menacingly and winked at her and turned to his group.

Jesse and Melody continued to walk towards the entrance, but Melody needed to know what Mark told Jesse so she asked.


"Yeah?" He replied.

"What did he say to you?"

"Uh... nothing, it's was nothing really" Jesse's smile fell "all he said was I'd better watch out and to uhh.." Jesse trailed off.

"What Jesse? You can tell me." Melody said.

"He said ... I need to stay away from you, because you're... His..."

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