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"Melody... I-I think I'm in love with you."


After school...

Melody got home that day, and Iryse was more than happy to see her mom. but how she showed her happiness was just a bunch of giggling and waddling towards Melody. Surprisingly she has yet to say her first word. she has in the past came close to saying mama or Grandma but for now Melody's okay with her cute little goo-goo's and Gaa-gaa's.

Melody set her backpack down near the front door and picked up her daughter, she started asking her daughter how her day was but of course, was not expecting an answer because she's only one. she spun with her daughter all the way to the kitchen,  she made it to the fridge and immediately regretted spinning, she was really dizzy and so was Iryse. the two laughed and Melody started to raid the fridge for something to eat.

Melody shared strawberries with her babygirl and unfortunately Iryse needed a bath after "eating" her strawberries. after bath time with her little girl, Mel decided it was a perfect and lovely day to go to the park. So she dressed Iryse in some cute tiny Converse, red shorts and a cute little shirt that said "Of course I'm cute! haven't you seen my daddy?" one of Melodies cousin sent her the shirt when she was still pregnant, of course her cousin didn't know the father of Iryse wasn't in the picture, but still it was a cute shirt, and honestly it was the only shirt that could fit her at the time; Iryse is almost two and she's been growing so fast.

Melody changed, did her and her daughter's hair, and was out the door. Apparently the whole time when Melody was home her mom had fallen asleep, Iryse probably tired her out. Melody parked and ubuckled Iryse from her car seat and let her out. they got to the huge playground and she watched her daughter play in the toddler area, she wasn't old enough to play on the big playground but she was still enjoying the park.

"Iryse come here sweetheart" Melody called, she wanted to take a picture with her beautiful daughter on this wonderful afternoon. Irysr ran over to her mother and got swooped up by her mum, and Melody captured the nice moment.

Mark ~ Not first person.

After-school Mark decided to go with his friends to one of their spots, where'd they usually hang out. Mark was driving his truck where Zeke, Tyler and James were inside and Warren, Sean (Ocean eyed vampire) and Ethan (Laffy Taffy hair) were in the bed of the truck. Mark of course sped up to scare the boys in the back, Warren look like he nearly shat himself Sean was unfazed and rolled his eyes at Mark's actions, and Ethan just held on tight because he was used to Mark abusing his truck like that.

Once Mark parked all the guys hopped out and started their way to their spot they were at a Park Linkin Park actually their spot was near one of the many playgrounds at the park but in a corner and your broken Fountain. the fountain was so huge they could sit inside it only because it was broken and had no water.

After awhile, Warren brought out some alcohol, all expect Mark swarmed him for some. Mark only drank one type of alcohol and that was Hennessy; but he knew all too well then to drink in the middle of the week, he does not want a migraine just before school in the morning. So when Warren offered him he just took it but saved it for later.

"Oooh, Marrrk" Warren called, looking in the direction of the nearby playground.

"What?" Mark said, walking over to Warren.

"Look who's at the park with us!" Warren said way too enthusiastically, he was definitely tipsy.

Mark looked over in the Direction Warren was now pointing towards, and of course it was Melody who was at the park, and she had the little girl with her. Right now she was pushing the little girl on the baby swing set,  they were both giggling; and to Mark it was a really adorable sight.

"You should go o-over there and talk to her lover boy, ya know, since you have that possessive wolfie imprint on her" Sean said, apparently he's been listening to Warren and Mark's conversation, and has been drinking way too much.

Mark agreed to going over there,  "Good that's my boy, you know what bring her over here if you want" he said

"Only if you fuckers hide the alcohol and sober up, she's got I think her little sister with her"Mark said they agreed and Mark went on his way he assumed it was her little sister but wasn't completely sure.

He made it over there and she was still swinging Iryse, he leaned up against a pole behind them and waited for Mel to noticed him, after a good 30 seconds she did.

"Are you following me Mark?" Melody asked still pushing Iryse,

"No I've been over near that broken fountain with my boys, why would you think I was following you?" he asked.

"oh no reason so what did you come over here for?" Melody questioned.

"I just wanted to say it's cute you brought your little sister to the park" Mark smiled but Melody sighed and pulled Iryse out of the swing.

"What makes you think she's my sister Mark?" Melody asked, chuckling a little, but deep down she was terrified at the thought of him figuring out that Irsye was his daughter. Even though she did want him to find out, he was having fun with his friends and she didn't want to ruin his day.

"Nothing I just figured she'd be" marks shrugged.

"well, she's not" Melody said, taking a seat on a bench near the playground, she tickled and snuggle Iryse in her lap. She knew today she had to at least tell him she's her daughter.

"Well who is she to you? I'm just curious" Mark asked, and he genuinely was.

Melody looked at Mark, and back at Iryse, "She's my daughter Mark"

 ~ Desire ~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora