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"He said..I need to stay away from you, because you're ... His..."

Melody was disgusted at Mark's attitude towards her, he claimed her like she was an item, just like that. She was flabbergasted.

"I wanted to knock every tooth out of his mouth for even thinking he can take possession of you! He said it like you were an object of some kind!" Jesse confessed, Melody saw how infuriated Jesse was about this whole situation. She appreciated Jesse, he seemed to care the most out of all the people she knew.

"Jesse, it's okay. Just calm down." Melody said, she really didn't want to continue the conversation, only because it would inevitably erk her all day long.

"But it's not okay Mel, what I'm understanding from what just happened out there is that he's your Ex boyfriend and I don't think it's right for you to let him say all that shit to you!" Jesse said.

"Jesse, I don't want to talk about it anymore just ... leave it alone please?" Melody asked, she genuinely did not want his yelling and reasoning to go on any longer.

"Why are you blowing this off? Are you still in love with that asshole or something?!" Jesse stopped walking, Melody did as well and they faced each other as people walked by to get to their first class.

The question crossed the line for Melody, she could fell her skin boiling as he gave her a confused glare, she knew why he asked such a bold question, Jealousy, that's why. Jesse was in love with her, and she understands that that reason is by far the most innocent reason there could be but, how he asked to see if he stood a chance with Mark wasn't called for.

"So what if I was Jesse?!" Melody paused "Why would you care?! ...Oh that's right! You have a little crush on me, correct? And your heart would be broken into million little pieces wouldn't it?!" Melody absolutely bursted with anger radiating from her presence, but realizing what she had said quickly calmed her down. Her face soften as the expression on Jesse's face turned from angered to hurt.

Melody covered her mouth with both her hands, as Jesse slowly started to back away from her. She removed her hands.

"Oh my god, Jesse I'm so sor-" Before Melody got to finish, Jesse had already pushed passed the now noticeable circle of people that gathered around the two of them. Melody realized what she had just done, she lost the only person who really cared about her in the whole school, the one person who'd do just about anything just to be by her side, she lost her bestfriend..

As the crowd dispersed, Melody could hear students gossiping about what just happened, some gave her disgusted glares, some gave her questioning looks. But no matter how people looked at her, she knew what she did was wrong. She sped off to her first class, avoiding anyone and everyone, she couldn't handle people continuously running their mouths off about her and Jesse's little scene. Melody quickly turned the corner, and nearly ran into the devil himself.

"Well hello gorgeous, you're just the person I was looking for, you got a minute?" Mark asked, he flashed one of his intimidating side smiles.

"Not really, I'm already.." Melody paused to look at her watch "like 6 minutes late to first hour, what do you want?" She crossed her arms under her boobs and watched as Mark shoved his hands in his front pockets.

"Whoah woah chill with the attitude sweetie, I just wanted to say I heard what you said to Jesse, and I wanted to know ..why'd you say it?" Mark asked.

Melody once again, froze clueless on what tell him, she couldn't tell him anything really, or he'd assume something totally wrong. Nonetheless Mark's eyebrow raised and a grin was forming on his face.

"To whatever you're insinuating, consider yourself wrong" Melody said sternly.

"I'm not insinuating anything sweetheart, I'm just guessing for whatever the reason you blew up on your bestfriend in front of half the school, involves me, could i possibly be correct?" Mark asked, slightly more convinced Melody is still in love with him, only because of the expression on her faced changed dramatically.

"No, it doesn't Mark." Melody said.

"Oh? But I think it does" Mark persisted, closing the space between them, getting closer to Melody. Melodies breath hitched as his intoxicating cologne emitted from his body into her nostrils. His face was about 3 inches away from hers, his breath was minty fresh and his teeth were sparkling white. His Milk Chocolate eyes were as memorizing as a night sky full of stars. She knew she had to escape his ominous yet yearnful trap, but she also knew what her heart wanted, what her heart craved and coveted, her heart wanted him. But... she knew better then to fall for this trap again.

"I-i .." Melody mumbled "I can't do this Mark, I'm sorry" Melody then ran off in to direction of her first hour class. She wanted cry, she wanted to scream, she wanted to turn back time and change her past and forget everything.

She gets to class 15 minutes late, and her teacher Ms. Evans, fortunately let's her off with a warning. Majority of the day went by slow, she skipped lunch just avoid the commotion and was first to enter her last hour class, Science with Mr. King.

She took a seat and got on her phone, she needed a distraction from the world around her. But unfortunately nothing could get her mind off of.. well, him. She sets her head on the table and settled her thoughts for just a moment, only for moment because students start filling Into the classroom, and since it's was the end of the day everyone was rowdy.

After everyone was seated, and Mr. King finished up writing on the whiteboard, he turned to us and started to speak.

"Good afternoon class, I hope everyone has their projects from yesterday done, that's when is was assigned so I don't think I should be hearing that lame crappie excuse from anyone, you got it done good, you don't F. Easy as that" Mr. King said, he always was her favorite teacher, it was just the way he taught.

"Oh and also before we start, the office had said any minute now we should be getting a returning student" Mr. King added, the classroom door opens and closes "Well speak of the devil! What's your name?" Mr. King asks.

"Don't play dumb Josh, I'm pretty sure you know who I am." A way too familiar baritone voice said, using Mr. Kings first name.

"Now now Fischbach, it's Mr. King to you"

'Oh fuck..' Melody thought.

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