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The Next Morning...

Melody fluttered her eyes open, only to find her sweet little princess nestled right beside her. Seeing her sweet child all cozy caused a smile to form on her face. Unfortunately, she had to wake the peaceful sleeping beauty, with a hand on her back she gently shook Iryse. "Wake up sweetie, let's go make some breakfast." and that was all it took for the little toddler to rise from her slumber. After Melody made breakfast, she showered and got ready for school. Just before hitting the door, she grabbed her bag kissed both her mom and daughter and left.

Once she got to school, she headed to her little spot where she once gawked at Mark and all of his friends. Speaking of the band of Misfits, all of them started to arrive through the south doors of the school, just adjacent from the courtyard. Of course, the group traveled to the exact spot as last time. Melody spotted Mark first, he was wearing a grey hoodie sleeves rolled half way, with black sweatpants and black slide on Vans. No beanie and his hair was clean but messy-lookin. He had his eyebrow piercing in but his lip and nose piercing were taken out. And even though his tattoos were peaking out from hoodie, he looked a tad bit more innocent then usual. After Mark, she spotted the rest, Warren, Ethan, Tyler, Zeke and James. Jack was missing.

Coincidentally, Just as Melody spotted Mark, Mark spotted her as well. A smile spread across his face when he laid eyes on her, she was wearing - from what he could see - a red tank top with her hair down and curly as ever, with gold hoop earrings. He wanted to go up to where she was and sit with her but he couldn't pull himself to do so. So he decided to just stay and talk to his friends. Mark looked around at his friend after a while and of just staring at his Phone, and he noticed two of his friends are missing. Jack well because, he probably doesn't wanna deal with Mark and everyone else after yesterday. And Zeke, but funny thing is he JUST saw him talking to James. Mark started to look around for him but failed to spot his friend. That is, until he decided to look where Melody was.

Mark's blood started to boil instantly, Melody was in the middle of giving Zeke her number. She was smiling and giving him this look, a familiar look, a look she used to give him. It hurts him to watch her even look at another guy, but watch her willingly give another dude her number nearly killed him. Zeke stepped his way down back to the group, which at the moment, wasn't the smartest choice for him. Tyler and Ethan were staring at Zeke, smiling and shaking their heads. And James just mouthed "Run", and before Zeke could react Mark grabbed him by the front of his shirt and shoved him up against the courtyard wall, making sure to get all up in his face.

"Thompson I thought I told you to stay the fuck away from her!?" Mark nearly shouted, still grabbing mostly the whole courtyards attention, including Melodies. "Get the fuck off me Mark!" Zeke pushed Mark, only provoking him more. Mark bounced back from Zeke's attempt, and swung his right fist back and hit Zeke, full force directly in his jaw. Which of course, started a full on brawl between the two young men.

Melody left all of her stuff and ran as fast as physically possible, and tried to pull Mark off of Zeke. Tyler, Ethan, and James hadn't notice the fight broke out until they saw Melody run by. Punches were being thrown and unfortunately, Melody came into contact with one in her attempt of trying to stop the fight. She fell back and yelled in pain, that's when Mark snapped out of it and stopped fighting Zeke, it's like the world stood still after the fist to face contact. Zeke accidentally missed his target and hit Mel. Mark look back at Melody, her nose started to bleed from the punch. Zeke realized he fucked up, big time.

Luckily their friends realized that way before he did and grabbed Mark just as he lunged back out at Zeke for hitting Melody. "It's one thing to try and fucking get with her, now you hit her?!?" Mark shouted, he was enraged by his own friends actions. "Oh my god Melody I'm so sorry, it was an accident I swear!!" Zeke swore. Melody stood and wiped the blood from her nose and tried to calm Mark down, she blocked his view of Zeke with her face, with both hands guiding his face to hers, making him focus on her, he looked in to her eyes and his angry started to fade. And he stopped resisting Tyler, James, and Ethan's grip. They pulled him a little ways away from Zeke just in case he tried to lung again.

"Mark no matter how much Zekes dumbass deserves and ass whooping, you can't just fight on campus!" Tyler scolded. "Well he had it fucking coming to him when he decided try and make a move on my girl!" Mark replied, standing up straight, he brushed himself off and happened to caught a glimpse of his hands, his knuckles were red, cut, and a little bloody, he smirked. "I'm not you're girl! I started a fight by giving someone my number! How is that fair to anyone Mark?!" Melody yelled, standing in front of Mark.

"Well don't give out your fucking number to people and shit like this won't happen!" Mark yelled back. "I'll do what I fucking please!! Maybe you should control your fucking temper you fucking hot-head!" Melody fired back. "I'll control my damn temper once you control that mouth of yours!! I feel bad for that little girl, it probably sucks with a mother like you!" Mark retorted, now what he just said flipped the whole scripted on their argument.

The comment tore through Melodies heart making tears form, she look him dead in the eyes. "Says the one that left his clueless, pregnant "girlfriend" for over a goddamn year! Says the one who treats the mother of his kid like complete shit! Says the one who still, too this very fucking day, won't man up and continues to deny and shun the fact that he's a goddamn father!!" Melody shouted, tears rolling profusely, she watched as his facial expression went from angry to hurt.

"...Melody I didn-"

"Just, Don't Mark, I don't wanna fucking hear it!" Melody said quietly so only he could hear, and gave him a final death stare before grabbing her stuff and heading to first period.

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