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"Oh and also before we start, the office had said any minute now we should be getting a returning student." Mr. King added, the classroom door opens and closes "Well speak of the devil! What's your name?" Mr. King asks.

"Don't play dumb Josh, I'm pretty sure you know who I am" a way too familiar baritone voice said. Using Mr. Kings first name, ultimately the rudest thing to use especially in front of that same teacher.

"Now now Fischbach, it's Mr. King to you"

'Oh fuck..' Melody thought.


And oh fuck was right, Melody would now have to deal with Mark for last hour. She dreaded his very existence, but now she's gonna have to cope with reality, and that you can't avoid your problems forever.

"Yeah Yeah, whatever your majesty. Now where do I sit?" Mark asked, impatiently.

Mr. King sighed, and looked around at the various lab tables "Well obviously there's only one seat available, and that's next to Melody, now go sit down" Mel's head shot up at her name, not only is he in the same class he's right fucking next to her as well! Great!

She didn't even attempt to move seats, only because there are no seats! "Didn't ask for a distraction to sit 2 feet away from me but okay, thanks teach" Melody whispered to herself, but the thing was she was not the only one who heard her say that.

"Oh so I'm a distraction you say? In what way Melody?" Mark whispered with a sultry like tone near Melodies right ear, it sent shivers down her spine and a sensation coursing through her body. But she pushed the wonderful feeling aside and focused on the notes Mr. King just started.

Thirty minutes in and Melody has a good five and half pages full of notes on the lesson, Mark on the other hand has nothing but his phone out texting somebody, she noticed his phone was on 5 percent though.

"Hey Mel, you got a charger? I need a charger to charge my phone real quick" Mark asked, surprisingly in a normal tone. "No I didn't bring mine today, sorry" She replied, watching as his phone dies in his hand. "Well could i use your phone? I need to uhh ...text my mom" Mark asked.  She agreed to him using her phone and she watched as he turned the phone on but she had forgot she set her background picture to her and Iryse at a recent birthday party of another child. He acknowledged the picture, and stared at the little girl on the screen.



"Who's the little girl in this picture?"

Melodies eyes widen and she quickly snatches the phone out of his hands and placed it on the opposite side of her, she then continued to right note down. Mark speaks, "okay okay, I won't ask again but can I still text my mom?" He asked, Melody rolled her eyes and handed him back her phone unlocked. He's oblivious to the fact that the girl in the picture is their daughter, but curiosity made him ask.

"Her names Iryse and she's almost 2" Melody said, looking down at her paper. Mark thought on it for a second, he had a weird feeling about this little girl. He didn't know what is was, but the feeling was there for sure. He decided to focused more on Mr. Kings lesson.

"A container holds 6.4 moles of gas. Hydrogen gas makes up 25% of the total moles in the container. If the total pressure is 1.24 atm, what is the partial pressure of hydrogen?" Mr. King asked the class. It was a 'raise your hand' type of question.

The class fell silent, most of the room looked to their papers to solve the question, others were clueless and just stared off into space. Melody was half way done solving the question when Mark chuckled.

"The answer is 0.31, because 0.31 is 25% of 1.24" Mark answered, and a number rof people were shocked, including Melody,  but Mr. King was the most surprised. A bit too surprised.

"Mark did you look off of Melodies paper?" Mr, King asks.

"Even if I said no, you'd still think I'd be lying" Mark said bluntly.

"Seems here Mark can't keep his eyes of Melodies work. Surprising? No." Mr. King said. "Actually it's not the work I can't keep my eyes off of." Mark whispered so only Melody could hear, the comment made Melody blush profusely causing her to look down at her unfinished equation, Mark knew the answer himself.

"Actually Mr. King, my work was incomplete, I was half way finished when Mark answered" Melody said. Now, it was Mark's turn to be surprised, she actually stood up for him.

"Is that so Melody?" The teacher questioned.

"Yes, sir"  Melody replied.

"Well that's fantastic Mark! ...I honestly don't know why but I have this strange feeling you two with be great partners!" Mr. King shared.

Believe it or not Mark was ecstatic to hear for the last class of the day, he'd be right next to Melody, this girl who was the complete opposite of him, but yet had his full attention. when he's around her he feels something he can't explain, nor can he fully understand. But something in him always grabs the controls and makes him look and be a complete douche in front of her. for example this morning he utterly baffled himself by how crude he spoke to Melody, and after all this time too, also what he told Jesse. Knowing Jesse he probably told her what he said. Now thinking about it, Mark has completely gone about this all wrong, His "bad-boy" Image is eating away at who he used to be, and he questions, how could this one girl make him realize he's not himself anymore? He felt so vulnerable and weak at that moment... but of course he shakes off the crybaby bullshit for now and focuses on Melody, he takes in how she's changed over the past year and a half, her curly light-brown hair now Falls to her lower back, and since he can't really see her face at the moment he remembers back in the morning time when he can fully see her face. she still has those vibrant hazel eyes and those freckles that plaster the apples of her cheeks and her button nose. she was honestly drop dead gorgeous, and their was no denying that.

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