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She was honestly drop-dead gorgeous, and in his mind, there was no denying that.


The next day started normal this time, minus marks loud group in the middle of the courtyard. His group consisted of six other guys, but she'd get to them in a minute, only because she was way too busy gawking at Mark; All she could focus on was him, today he was wearing a black long-sleeve with the sleeves rolled up showing his thoroughly tattooed arms, with a grey beanie, dark grey sweatpants with full black Converse. He was wearing the same outfit he wore the night of the party. She looked closely at him and noticed some of his tattoos had color, majority of them didn't though. On his left forearm there was a grand clock with Roman numerals, in its outer rim there were gold hues, his left arm was her favorite because just below the clock there was one blooming rose, even though it wasn't colored it was still just as beautiful.

On his right arm had more badass like tattoos unlike his left, for example just below his elbow on his right he had a skull so realistic it look like it would jump out at you at any moment. Another one had a very detailed eyeball with a hand coming out of the socket those were all she could see but she knew for a fact more than just his arms were tattooed.

When she finish staring at Mark, she took ganders at the other boys, one of them had ocean blue eyes and pale white skin, he had a couple tattoos but nothing too extreme and Melody had to admit he was pretty damn cute. Another guy, she guessed the name of Tyler, since she had him 3rd hour, towered over everyone except Mark who was about the same height, the third guy to the right of Tyler had hair as blue as blueberry Laffy Taffy, light blue eyes with zero tattoos. She couldn't blame him though he looks like he just got out of eigth grade and she'd flip her shit if she saw a freshman with tats.

Moving on to the guy standing right next to Mark, he instantly took her breath away, he looked just about 18 and was obviously mixed, he just had to have interracial parents. He had green eyes and freckles just like her and his jawline was sharp and his smile was cute, and he seemed like a nice person.

After Melody wipe the drool from her mouth she recognized the last two boys, the first was Warren Price, he was just a snobby rich pretty boy cliché she dated him once and regretted it immensely afterwards.

Last but not least James Sin Carter, he was the quiet type, always wearing a hoodie of some sort his taupe eyes always cast some sort of spell when Melody and him made eye contact.

She decide to do something very bold, she stood from her seat and stepped down some stairs to walk straight through Mark's group. And today day Melody was wearing some loose black leggings and a light grey spaghetti strap shirt, which of course showed more cleavage than necessary. She began to walk through, and pretended to be on her phone.

The blue haired boy and Tyler just stared; they were hard to read, but she let it slide. the cute lightskin gave her a sweet smile, of course she smiled back. James gave her a cold but yet warm glare, it was like he was reading her, she blushed profusely making James chuckle. Ocean eyed vampire over in the corner bit his lip and stared right at her ass. she rolled her eyes and continued her slow path through the center of the courtyard, but a little someone stopped her and it wasn't Mark.

"Uh, Excuse me, I apologize but I couldn't help but notice something about you." The cute lightskin said, tapping her on the shoulder making her turn around. And since Melody didn't see Mark in sight, she gladly went along with it.

"Oh? And what would that be?" Melody questioned, she batted her eyelashes and threw in a cute side smile.

"When you smiled back at me, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful you are" he complimented Melody, she felt butterflies in her stomach, and her face began to heat up immediately, causing her to look down and smile. But she knew if she didn't stop this right now, Mark would come back and notice the both of them flirting.

"No matter how much I'd love for this to continue, I think we should stop only because I'm afraid a certain someone won't like this" Melody said, of course she was referring to Mark because he definitely would not like the flirtatious vibes she was having with one of his friends.

"I agree, My names Ezekiel, but you can call me Zeke, I'll see you around Melody" Zeke said making his way back to the rest of the boys, she figured he only knew her name from yesterday, since he was near the incident.

Unfortunately Mark had seen the two talking, and had returned to the center just before Melody had the chance to leave.

"What the hell are you doing over here?!" Mark asked, grabbing Melodies forearm, yanking her back.

"Why the fuck were you near all of them?" He asked referring to his group.

"Because I can be Mark, what the hell is wrong?!" Melody yelled back, but she knew what was wrong, Mark was jealous.

"Oh you know what the hell is wrong!

"Are you jealous Mark? Because right now it seems like you are" Melody asked, getting closer to him as well.

Marks faces turned a deep shade of red, and he began to stutter. To Melody it was honestly really cute when he gets embarrassed.

"You are jealous, aren't you?" Melody smirked.

Mark felt the heat fall from his face when he realized she was truly right.

"Okay, ..you got me" Mark confessed. He continued "I just can't help but to be jealous, I don't know what it is but i just can't help myself from getting pissed off when you're around other guys that aren't me." Mark said.

"Why huh? Why do you keep doing this? Why do you keep acting like you care?" Melody questioned.

"... I uh, I just.. because I'm not acting Melody. I honestly do care about you, I never stopped." Mark confesses.  His bad-boy look started to not match with his current emotions, and Melody was shocked that he was beginning to tear down the whole bad-boy act, especially on school grounds.

"How can I know you're not lying to me? How can I know you're telling the truth?" Melody asked, not breaking eye contact with Mark.

"Well, look at me! I'm pouring my heart out to a girl who probably loathes my existence and I don't even know how she gonna react. This girl makes me feel like a guy who doesn't even think he fits in his own skin. This look right here? These tattoos and badboy reputation don't mixed right with soft, mushy emotions. This look is supposed to give off the badass, emotionless heart breaker that's supposed to hit it and quit it but you.. Melody you're the reason I envy more than just that. You're the reason I look forward to even coming to this shit shack of a school." Mark paused. "Melody... I-I think I'm in love with you."

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