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Melody looked at mark, and back at Iryse, "She's my daughter Mark"

Mark was beyond shocked by the news of Iryse being Melodies daughter, but not too shocked because little girl did kind of look like her. To Mark the only thing that her daughter didn't have facially is her eyes, Melody had bright hazel eyes and her daughter had light brown eyes, very familiar light brown.

"And before you ask, no she's not adopted or anything like that. This beautiful little girl is all mine." Melody said still looking at her daughter Melody knew she didn't really have to say that because Iryse honestly looks like her.

"I figured much because she's gorgeous, just like her mother." Mark said, taking a seat right next to Melody with Iryse in her lap. He said that with sincerity, and meaning, Iryse was the cutest baby he's ever seen.

"Thank you Mark." Melody confessed.

"You're welcome Mel," Melody smiled at him and the two immersed into a nice conversation. Iryse took advantage of her mother being distracted and decided to climb over to Mark's lap, and since Mark and Melody were sitting so close together it was easy for the slick little almost 2 year old. Melody didn't noticed until Iryse was fully on Mark's lap, Mark noticed way before Melody did. Iryse was facing him and staring up at him with a smile on her face, Mark was smiling back. Mark looked at Melody for permission to play with her daughter, she nodded and he gently held Iryse's hands and started dancing around in his seat like a goofball making Iryse giggle.

Melody watched as Mark and Iryse bonded, he tickled her, played peek-a-boo with her and he and Melody even got up and played in the toddler area with her. For Melody, it melted her heart to watch Mark actually want to play with her little girl. Melody decided the next time she sees Mark she's going to come clean and tell him everything, his daughter, junior year, everything.

Mark and Iryse started to make their way back to where Melody was sitting, Iris was on Mark's shoulders and he was holding on to her little hands walking towards Melody. when they got to the bench he carefully lifted her off his shoulders and sat her with her mom.

"She's so adorable, how can you handle that much cuteness everyday?" Mark asks, making Melody laugh, she smiled at Mark and tickled her little girl. Mark watched as Melody's motherly nature showed. Buy Mark noticed something, Iryse's cute little shirt and what it said, sparked up a question.

"Melody?" Mark said.

"Yes Mark?" She replied.

"Whose Iryse's fa-

"Hey Mark! I thought you said you were gonna bring her over here ya wank stain?!" Warren yelled, cutting Mark's question off.

"Oh! Yeah, Melody do you wanna join me and my group over there?" Mark asked. Melody said yes and they started they're way over there of course with Iryse. Mark was giving Iryse a piggyback ride all the way to the fountain, he set her down and she waddled along side her mom.

Mark made sure they hid the alcohol and sobered up a bit, before he allowed Melody and Iryse to come over to properly meet Mark's friends. Warren, Ethan, Tyler, James, Ezekiel and Jack started to walk closer as Melody did with her daughter. They finally met up in the center of the spot.

"Besides Thongson over there, who else here do you already know?" Mark said, making fun of Ezekiel's last name which is actually pronounced 'Thompson'.

"It's Thompson, dickbach" Zeke corrected Mark aloud. Mark rolled his eyes and focused on what he asked Melody.

She thought about it for minute, "I do know Tyler he's from my 3rd hour," Tyler smiled and waved at Melody "I know Mr. Mysterious over there," Melody said referring to James, he turned his head and he smiled widely. "And who doesn't know Pretty Boy Price" Melody said rolling her eyes looking over to Warren he was grinning like an idiot, he slightly winked at Melody.

"I don't know the others" Melody said, pointing to Ethan and Jack.

Mark called the two over, and after a little while Jack and Ethan were in front of Mark and Melody. Jack held our his hand to Melody and gently shook hands "I'm Jack it's a pleasure to meet you Mel, and I'll have you know Mark can never stop talking about you to us-"Jack was cut off my Mark's fist hitting Jacks arm, Jack didn't feel a thing even though Mark used all his force into his punch.

Mark and Jack laughed it off, while Ethan shook Melody's hand "I'm Ethan, " he paused and made sure Mark wasn't listening "Mark tells me late at night he stares at a picture of you and beats his me-" Mark cut Ethan off too and everyone laughs.

Iryse has been very curious ever since the got near the broken fountain, so curious she tried to escape her mom's soft but controlled grip. She tugged on somebodies pant leg, it was Jacks.

"Well we who do we have here? Whose this adorable little child?" Jack asked. Squatting down to Iryse's level smiling at her.

Melody smiled at the soft look Jack had while he looked at her daughter, she picked her daughter up and introduced her to Mark's friends, they all really liked her name. Iryse was being held on Melody's left side where Mark was, and all of Mark's friends were in front of both them. The closer Mark got to Iryse the more all six of his friends began to look back from between him and Iryse. She looked a lot like him.

Melody and Mark were talking while watching Iryse walking along the inside of the empty fountain. Marks friends were talking with each other a little ways away from where him and Melody were.

"Is it just me or does that little girl look like Mark?" Ethan said looking over at Iryse.

"She sure does look like him." Warren agreed, "but then again she looks like her mother too." The group agreed.

"Do you guys think he's the father?" Tyler asked, "Cuz I sure as hell do." Everyone except Jack nodded. "I wonder if knows he is." Ezekiel commented. Few seconds of silence went by while everyone looked at Mark.

"He doesn't, but I do know for a fact that's his kid." Jack said blankly, staring down at the floor.

"She just won't tell him."

 ~ Desire ~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang