Chapter Eleven - Problem Drinking

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Basil POV

"Goddamnit." I slammed down my face against the counter. "I shouldn't have done that!"

After dropping off Aaron as his dorm; I had been on my way home. I instead made a second turn to the nearby college bar because on the way home I finally realized how stupid I was and needed a drink. I completely ruined the moment, he was leaning in to kiss me.

So now here I was, amongst other loners on this cold night. It was probably half-past one in the morning, since the concert had ended so late. There was no one here except for a few stragglers, a few men passed out on the floor, and a group of guys playing pool. I felt really out of place here, but I was too upset to give a shit.

But instead I shook his hand?

I shook his goddamn hand? How stupid can you get?! Who does that?! Who's stupid enough to lean in for a kiss, and then shake your partner's hand and just run away?! He probably hated me now. Especially how stupid I was to not realize he was going to kiss me. The relationship was probably already over even before it had officially started.

I needed a drink. Something to wash away the pain.

"Manhattan on the rocks, if you please." A familiar voice crowded my ears and a swift arm pulled up on the stool beside me... The asshat, Bryce.

"Bryce, what the hell are you doing here?" I groaned, not even lifting my head to see who it was. I knew that raspy voice from anywhere.

"Having a Manhattan on the rocks, did you not hear me? You got more than wax in your ears?"

I let out a groan. "I'm too exhausted to put up with your shit today honestly. Let me sulk in peace."

"Nah, looks like you could use the company. How did your 'date' go? Ya know with Aaron?" Asked a very curious and decisive Bryce.

"Why do you care about that?" I snapped almost instantly at him.

"That bad huh?" He actually seemed concerned and caring in this moment. Probably, one of his personalities, but it was comforting.

"It went great actually." Then I slammed my fist against the counter. "Before I shook his fucking hand. I'm so stupid..."

"Wait! You shook his hand, as an exit? On a date! Was he trying to kiss you or a hug?" He was inches from bursting with laughter and his cheeks were red.

"If you laugh I will punch you in the mouth." I was more pissed at Bryce than anything, besides myself of course. "I ruined the moment, you could say. And my shot at any kind of real relationship with him, I guess."

"Laughter is the best form of medicine, how about you heal instead of drinking. Huh?" His grin of "soon-to-be" laughter faded and he went back to the same old smooth Bryce.

"I suppose." I groaned. "But there's a difference between laughing and being laughed AT." I sat up, looking over to Bryce, who was busy drinking. I bet he was already intoxicated, let alone thinking straight at this moment.

"Well... It's easy to laugh at a hobbit." I slapped him straight across the face, but for some odd reason... I blushed.

"How dare you." I began. "Ya know what, I need something to drink."

"It's on me, that was a bad joke, how 'bout a martini or a mimosa?" Asked the now caring Bryce, who already had his wallet out on the bar counter.

"You don't need to buy it. I'll buy one, probably twenty drinks at this rate." Honestly, if my liver gave out right now I wouldn't care. I ruined the moment with Aaron.

"How 'bout we do this, I buy one for you, you drink it and you keep drinking until you forget to pay?" It made me laugh and I was embarrassed that I did.

"Fine." I said. "I accept your challenge."

"Alright, bartender... Shots!" He practically yelled it out their and my face flushed with a slew of colors of pink and red. And then my heart dropped. It was the alcohol getting to me, that's why my face was turning hot.

Shot after shot and I began to lose bits and pieces of memory. It became a motion of just slamming more and more shots down my esophagus. The burning sensation of alcohol quickly faded until each continuous shot felt like water. I kept going, and Bryce started doing shots with me.

At some point, I completely blanked. I didn't remember anything past that moment. Not even what Bryce had done next.

"Hey, how 'bout we play a game? It's called, truth, drink or dare. You ask a question, you can either tell the truth or take a shot, or take a dare. You in?" My heart fluttered at the thought of Bryce's comment and I began to feel a slight humming in my throat.

"Aight, truth or dare Bryce?" My voice spluttered. I was off my game. Completely drunk. My body's current motive was not to pass out on the floor.

"Truth!" He said with a steady slam of his fist on the table.

"What did you think of me when you first met me?" I wheezed, spinning a shotglass with my finger on the counter.

"Why the fuck is he in the closet?" I could not help, but laughing. Bryce was currently taking another shot after this.

"Ahhhh." I didn't seem surprised by that response. "Aight, me next." I felt like I was gonna pass out.

"Truth or dare?"

"How about--" I was feeling really brave at the moment, so I blurted out the response. "Dare." I did some finger guns.

"Kiss me." His voice was sweet like syrup, my heart began to flutter and my skin began to grow goosebumps. I blame the alcohol.

"W-what?" I blathered out. "Okay."

I leaned in forward, very slowly... but Bryce left no time for romance and went straight for it. His lips were rough and tasted like a mixture of alcohol and shitty cigarettes. It was a straight lip-kiss until he stuck his tongue down my throat and I began to feel truly mesmerized. He didn't back away even when I wanted to. I ended up pushing him back and he ended up apologizing sincerely.

Then I woke up at home. 

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