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"Make yourself at home," Kuroo said as he unlocked the door to his apartment complex, allowing Kenma in.

The blonde boy walked into the house. "It's not big, but it's a home I guess," Kuroo defended, finding an odd desire to prove himself before Kenma.

Kenma walked through the house familiarly, as if he's lived there in his past life.

Kuroo led Kenma to one of the bedrooms. The apartment came with two bedrooms and one bathroom. Since Kuroo had been living by himself since forever, the occasion of having someone else live with him seemed very different to him. Then he realized that before, he had always used the extra bedroom as a storage room. "The room's kinda messy, but I'll clean it out tomorrow. Tonight you can stay in my room, alright?" He suggested. The boy turned around and looked at him. He felt a shiver down his spine as he met those golden eyes, and a satisfying feeling that those eyes of his were a lot brighter now.

Guess I'm sleeping on the couch today.

"Well you should go take a shower," Kuroo said eyeing the boy. "I'll get you a change of clothes."

After around fifteen minutes, Kenma peeked out of the bath, to find clothes lying on the toilet cover. There was also a new pack of underwear. He quickly dressed himself and left the bathroom. He met Kuroo's eyes as soon as he walked into the living room, Kuroo's eyes following his every move. Kenma blushed in embarrassment, and Kuroo turned red likewise.


"So, you'll be coinhabiting with me for awhile, is that alright?" Kuroo said cheerily.

"I'm the one invading you, so as long as you're okay with it," Kenma replied quietly.

"Well, the atmosphere will be better, the more the merrier right?" The room was quiet after Kuroo's comment. Kenma wasn't the talkative type. The two sat on the couch. Kuroo was staring at his hands nervously, while Kenma was burning holes through Kuroo.

Suddenly a phone rang, and Kuroo instinctively felt his back pocket. It wasn't his.

Kenma magically produced a ringing phone. He stared at the screen for a few moments, before motioning to Kuroo's bedroom and the phone, before scrambling into the room, closing the door behind him.

Leaving poor Kuroo on the couch without company again.


"Yaku-san! What is it?" Kenma whispered into the phone.

"You're at Kuroo's place?" A voice screamed through the phone, catching Kenma off guard.

"Ah, um, yea." There was a pause through the phone.

"What about Kiyoko and her brother? I thought you were with them for the past year?"

Kenma bit his lip. "Well my direction sense never got any better... and-"

"And you got lost," Yaku finished

Kenma nodded. Then realizing he was talking through the phone he replied "Yea."

Yaku sighed through the phone. "That's not the only reason no? How were you living for the past year then?"

"I never told her about my sense of direction so she never took the time to actually lead me around, so i would work from home mostly until a few days ago a colleague came and took me to the company since something came up which needed my presence..."

"And you never got back," Yaku finished again.


"Did you tell Kiyoko? I bet you didn't she must be worried sick!"

"Er...yea I'll make sure to tell her," Kenma stammered

"H- How do you do it? What are you planning?" Yaku asked quietly after a pause.

Kenma hesitated. "I, don't know," he confessed.

"Will you tell him?"

"I," Kenma sighed, "don't know."

There was another pause. "I'm sorry," Yaku said before bidding farewell and ending the call.

Kenma exited the bedroom to find Kuroo asleep on the couch. Kenma smiled slightly. How cute. His smile then morphed into a pained one.

"I miss you," Kenma whispered, before walking back into the bedroom and getting a blanket for the tol boi. Then he himself retreated into Kuroo's bedroom for the night.

Kuroo blinked when he heard the door shut. He wasn't asleep and was fully aware of what just happened. He sat up, alert and confused now. Getting the blanket for me was sweet, but how did he know where to find it? And he, he misses me?


Kuroo hardly slept that night, thoughts raced through his head, trying the crack the Kozume Kenma mystery. When he finally did fall asleep, it was only for two hours, before he woke up to find that it was four in the morning. Finally giving up, he poured himself a cup of coffee, and watched reality TV until it was time for breakfast.



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