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Kuroo raced after Kenma's silhouette.

"Kenma wait!" Kuroo cried running after the boy. He tried using the umbrella for a second, but then realized he was incapable of running after the boy with the umbrella ope, so he eventually decided to get drenched too.

Kuroo squinted through the rain, and pushed some flattened hair out of his face. He could barely see where he was going anymore, and doubted Kenma knew either.

"Kenma wait! Let's talk about this!"

Suddenly there was a blinding light and a screech of tires.


"I got here as fast as i could," Yaku panted."Is he okay?"

"He...uh, I'll tell you in the room. The boy he was with is already in there," the doctor said calmly.

When they entered the room, they found a boy sitting in a chair next to the bed slunchin over and lying on it, watching over the other in the hospital bed.

The slunched man raised his head at the sound of people entering. His eyes were red and there was snot dripping down his nose.

"Kenma..." Yaku started before jogging towards the small boy and enveloping him in a hug. Kuroo was pale faced and had bandages wrapped around his head.

"He-he still h-hasn't woken up y-yet," Kenma hiccuped rapidly wiping the tears still streaming from his eyes. "Thi- it's my f-fault, he wo-wouldn't have, if I hadn't-"

Yaku shushed the boy still hugging him, and swayed comfortingly.

"The damage is not that severe, he will wake up within a few minutes, don't worry. Though I need to warn you guys that... he may have some issues with memory..." the doctor paused, "but that shouldn't be too sever either, if he forgets something he will eventually remember it with all these trustworthy and loyal friends of his." The doctor smiled encouraging. "I'm sure he'll be fine with you as his friends to help him," the doctor said promptly before leaving the room.

Kuroo fidgeted in his slumber and groaned, causing all eyes in the room to turn to him.

"Ugh, Yaku? What's going on? Where am I?" Kuroo groaned trying to sit up.

Kenma erupted into more tears before springing at the messy haired man in the bed.

"Woah, woah, woah, hey... who..." Kuroo looked at the man clinging to him sobbing surprised.

"Who is this?"


"Hey, are you sure about this?" Yaku said worriedly putting a hand on Kenma's shoulder.

"Yes, thank you for going along with my spoiled behavior, I know it will put stress on you too..." Kenma said quietly not looking Yaku in the eye.

Yaku looked at the boy sympathetically.

"I already cleared all the evidence of my living here out, thanks for housing Kuroo for these few days," Kenma paused. "And... for taking in the cat too."

Yaku stared at Kenma trying to make out his expression."That's all fine but. Are you sure? If we help I'm sure he remember immediately. You're way too important to him to forget for long."

"Clearly i wasn't important enough to not get forgotten at all!" Kenma snapped, surprising Yaku. Then his fire disappeared as quickly as it appeared. "I'm sorry, I'm just... I don't know. But i'm sure i want Kuroo to lead a normal life from now on. He deserves a family, a wife, kids. If it's me, I can't give him any of that. And I now I took his memory too. Maybe forgetting me was for the best."

Yaku grimaced. I'm sure he doesn't know how much his words are affecting me...

"Where will you stay?"

"Our company allows us to stay overnight," he replied

"Not forever I'm sure?"

"I...I can figure it out," he said faux confidently.

Yaku narrowed his eyes.

"I hope you know that I still don't approve of what you're doing."

Kenma finally met Yaku's eyes. "I understand, and thank you." He paused as if he wanted to say something else but no words escaped his lips.

Yaku chuckled a bit. "I'll meet you outside alright?"

Kenmas eyes lit up. "Yes, that would be great thank you."

As Yaku closed the door to the complex behind him, Kenma turned around and walked back into the bedroom he and Kuroo had shared and opened the closet. At the bottom there was a small wooden box.

Kenma hesitantly reached for it, before pulling back and pulling out the key around his neck, and unlocked the box. He paused again gazing fondly at the things inside the box. He then pulled out another key, a replica of the one around his neck, from his pant pocket, and added it to the the box before closing the lid and locking it. He quickly stored the wooden box back into the closet, before walking back the the apartment entrance.

After casting one last longing glance at the room, he turned around and followed Yaku to the car.


#Typical car accident story ('・Д・)

This whole chapter was a flashback if you havent noticed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2017 ⏰

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