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"Good morning," Kenma hummed rubbing his eyes entering the kitchen. Kuroo was already present and cooking.

"You're awake." Kuroo looked at the time. It was quite early, and the boy still seemed tired.

"Fried rice again," Kenma murmered peeking around Kuroo, still half asleep. The boy then wobbled into the bathroom.

Again? Kuroo wondered. He's never made fried rice for him. Unless he's talking about his past dwelling, Kuroo thought, letting his imagination run wild.

He divided the rice unto two plates and set them on the kitchen table, just as Kenma exited the bathroom, hot and steamy ((◐‿◑)), with a towel around his shoulders. He wore the clothes from yesterday which Kuroo had put in the wash, and let dry overnight. The boy walked over to the table and sat down in front of one of the plates, and started eating.

Kuroo noticed the water still dripping from the blonde's hair and grimaced. Kuroo stood up from his seat and pulled the towel from the boy's shoulders to dry his hair. The boy flinched at his touch, but let Kuroo continue, while the tall boy lectured him. "Make sure to dry your hair after taking a shower, you'll not only get sick but you're dripping water over the floor and adding an unnecessary ingredient into my food," Kuroo disciplined. Once he found Kenma's hair satisfactory, he went to the bathroom to hang the towel up, before sitting down at the table to continue eating.

During the meal, he often found Kenma gaze on him, but when Kuroo looked up to meet his gaze, Kenma would quickly look away.

"So, we should probably go shopping for some clothes and other basic necessities for you later," Kuroo mentioned, leaning back in his seat, plate cleared.

"That isn't necessary," Kenma said slowly finishing the contents on his plate. At Kuroo's curious gaze, Kenma added, "I have some belongings at my workplace."

Kuroo's eyes widened. I didn't expect him to have a job, I thought he would freeload off me for a while. Kuroo smiled inwardly. He wanted Kenma to elaborate as to why his belongings were at his workplace, but Kenma's expression urged him not to ask.

"Is the food not satisfactory?" Kuroo asked changing the subject, noting how Kenma was eating only bits and pieces.

"Ah," Kenma hesitated from dividing his food. The was a huge pile of peas and onions separate from the rest of the fried rice on his plate. "No I'm just a picky eater," Kenma blushed.

Kuroo laughed, mentally noting not to make too many meals with onions and peas.

"Can I ask you a few question? I don't know just to get to know you better? You can also ask me anything," Kenma urged him to continue.

"Can you cook?"


"What's your occupation?"

"I'm a game designer."

"Ooooooh fancyyy, Does that key around your neck have any particular meaning?"

Kenma hesitated. "No, it's just for show." Kuroo doubted his words, since the necklace around his neck wasn't very extravagant or did it contribute to his outfit.

"What other foods don't you like?"

"Um, any kind of seafood, seaweed and salmon are okay, I also dislike bananas," Kenma said quietly.

Kuroo was silent for a moment. "Do you have a lover?" Kuroo smirked at the blonde boy.

Kenma was silent, as if thinking over the question. "No," he said after a moment, "do you?"

Kuroo face turned red. "Er, ah yeah."

Kenma felt his heart sink. Then he faux smiled a bit and Kuroo's embarrassed chuckling. "I... see, congratulations..." Kenma said weakly. "I got to go... to work," he said standing up from his seat not meeting Kuroo's eyes. He reached for the key around his neck out of reflex for comfort.

"Oh, I see. Do you want me to walk you there?" Kuroo offered, desperate after seeing how Kenma's expression suddenly changed. Did I say something bad? Have I offended him? Kenma had a pokerface through the whole interrogation until that last question.

"That's... not necessary," Kenma said quickly walking the door.

"Ah, the keys are under the ru-"

The door slammed.


He cried his way to work.

Red eyes tortured him during work.

He dreaded his walk home from work.

Kenma found the keys at the usual spot, under the rug. He felt a wave of dejavu. He never thought to change where he kept the key, Kenma thought.

He stepped into the house, and found a pair of shoes at the entrance. Kuroo's job didn't allow him to get off work early... and these shoes were not men's shoes.

Kenma's heart wrenched. His girlfriend. Kenma rushed into the living room and found blonde hair peaking up from the couch. At the sudden noise, the girl peeked up and smiled at Kenma.

"Oh hey there Kenma!"



Box of Reminiscence {Kuroken}Where stories live. Discover now