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A/N: because I can't deal with the fact I killed jungkook I made a second ending 😁 chose their future


"I never loved him like I loved you. Just leave"

A gun shot went off. Jimin closed his eyes tightly waiting for the sudden pain, but nothing. He opened his eyes, he didn't get hit....He looked at jungkook first, he was awake his hands over his mouth and eyes wide. Jimin looked at Taehyung, he had shot himself instead. Jimin screamed backing up on he wall, he placed his hands over his face before getting up and going to jungkook.
"He did it...." Jimin looked down at the body, jungkook sighed.
"Let's call an ambul-" the door was pushed down by a group, hoseok walked I'm after them. He was in shock, he walked into the house to jungkook and jimin. Hoseok looked down.
"Rather him then you....." He turned around and walked out the doors. He looked back slightly but walked and walked. The ambulance took the body of Taehyung and left, the police took statements from the others. And they never let go of each others hands.
"Yes jungkook."

"Let's move....away... Far far away"

Cry little boy ✏ ✏ ✏ Jikook✅Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat