chapter six

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i felt like i had to show y'all this

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i felt like i had to show y'all this. my fucking heart. 

 "Harry, what the fuck are you watching?"

Harry turned his head, one ear bud still planted in his ear, as he saw his friend returning to his room, after applying healing cream to his newly inked skin. It hadn't even been a full day yet, but Harry had to remind Louis three times already to do so.

"It's an ASMR video," Harry replied, lying comfortably on his friend's bed, his feet dangling off the edge. "I'm getting an eye exam."

"That's weird."

"It's not weird."

"Yeah, it is."

Harry groaned, as he turned his head back around to continue his video. While Harry was already fitted into his plaid red pajama pants and grey t-shirt, Louis began to strip down, pulling on a pair of back shorts. After Louis's session, the gang didn't do much, beside going to the shop to buy Louis's cream and then grab a bite to eat. Harry stayed close to Louis's side, but remained lost in the shadows as the other teens talked. He felt if he just went invisible nobody would bother him. Beside a few hasty remarks, he actually did quite well.

"Why don't you watch porn like a normal person?" the blue eyed teen asked, as fell next to his friend, propping himself up on his elbows.

"That's not what this for, Louis. It's to relax and entertain you," Harry stated, with a roll of his eyes.

"Porn does that too," Louis argued. "Only difference is you can wank a load off-"

"You know I don't like talking about that!" Harry exclaimed, feeling the blood rush to his cheeks.

The topic of sex or anything involving it was a touchy subject for Harry. His mum tried to explain it the best way she could when Harry was twelve; about how his body was going to start changing and he was going to develop these urges. But Harry got so freaked out over his body going through different stages, that he made her stop halfway through. He even made her sign a paper for his health class, allowing him to skip the sex education lectures. He was basically in the dark when it came to sex and only knew a few things from Louis and shows. But he was not in anyway curious or yearning to know more than he did. The topic made him completely uncomfortable.

"Fine, fine" Louis said, carelessly holding his hands up in defeat. Harry sighed, pulling the earbud out, before switching off the video to scroll through Instagram.

A part of Harry wanted to talk about the events from earlier today. He wanted to tell Louis how he felt, but he knew the outcome wouldn't be pretty. Harry was a bother, or well he thought he was. He knew he made Louis mad over how he thought of things, but he couldn't help it. Harry wished he didn't think the way he did. He wished he didn't care about every move he made, every word he spoke, but he did. He knew he annoyed people, but could never pinpoint the reason why. It was like walking on eggshells.

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