Chapter 7

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I quietly stepped through the door. I was home over 2 hours later than what mum told me to be.

My mum is a sweet easygoing lady, but she gets very irritable when I'm home late. She's overprotective. I swear if I'm home 10 minutes after what she told me to be she'll assume that I died.She grounded me last time that happened, and that's a regular occurrence.
I closed the door as low-key as I possibly could. Wincing at the sound of the loud 'click' the door makes when it closes.
I turn around, and I see my mum standing there, with my Aunt. Glaring at me with that motherly glare. The kind of glare that says 'I'm going to kill you'.

"You missed dinner." She blatantly says. Tapping her long fingernails along the counter top, one by one.

I nodded. Staring at the ground, making circular motions with my foot.

"Go to your room." She said, directing to the stairs.

I obeyed and went up the the stairs leading to my bedroom. I plopped on the bed, and moments later I was asleep. At least not for long. All I heard that moment was something tapping the window.
"John?!". I screeched.
Are you serious? Great he's come to get me in loads more trouble. That boy has no boundaries.

"Ello Juliet love." He says stepping down from the window sill. I giggled at him.
Then comes up Paul and George, Paul winking at me , and George greeting me with a smile as they come through the window. I don't know whether to be mad that they're here so late or happy to have company.

"I'm grounded you know." I said, trying to give the hint if they get caught here, I'm dead.

"We figured, that's why we're here." Paul said, sitting down on my bed.

George leaned against the wall, and pulled a cigarette out of the box.

"Oh no you don't. Put it away." I said.

He started laughing, and obeyed.

John, was rummaging through my things, looking at my albums, pictures, posters, and started looking through my song book.
I wasn't good with that, but I let him anyway.
He read, dragging his finger along the page as he did so. He started nodding his head in approval.
"This is good." He said gesturing to the boys to have a look themselves.

They walked over to my desk and read over John's shoulder. Paul,lifting his one eyebrow up and nodding his head, copying John. And and a huge smile grew on Georges face.

I brushed my red hair behind my ear, waiting patiently for the boys to give me their input.

Then finally after five long minutes of their meeting, they came out of their huddle. Looking at each other and then me, and then back at each other.

"We've decided something..."Paul began.
"Play in our gig with us tomorrow!" John said.

"I accept your proposal." I said.

"Sing us a song!" George cheered.

So I sang a song as quietly as I can, being carful not to wake anyone.

I sang "Heartbreak Hotel." By Elvis Presley.

To enlighten the awkward moment, John started clapping with his arms bent to look short like a t-Rex. And the boys complemented me on my voiced and I thanked them.

We hung out for a little bit then they all climbed out the window.
"So long Juliet." John said.

"Later Romeo." I commented back.

I was really starting to like John.

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