Chapter 1: Dance

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A/N: Decided to take a little break from writing all about Nazis all the time, so I eventually came up with this story. Might be a bit cliche but I'm a decent writer amiright? *crickets chirping* No? KK. Enjoy reading!

You're a student in Grade 10, you're what they now consider a sophomore in high school slang. You have h/c coloured hair and an eye problem. You see when you were a kid, your father was a bit abusive at mosts, and in rage once he slashed your left eye with a knife, making it lose it's warmth and causing it to go almost dead white. He since then apologized for it but he is still abusive at worst times. But no one cares about your father in this story right now so let's love onto the important plot stuff.

Hayworth Secondary School. Y/N's POV.

It was the end of the year school party your school hosted every year a few weeks from Summer, there was partying and also some drinking. I was dropped off by my parents only a few minutes ago and soon my friend Elvis had come too.

Elvis: Hey Y/N.

Y/N: Wassup bro!?

We did our signature handshake and fist-bumped at the end while making a sound that we totally made up ourselves.

Y/N and Elvis: Badaladaladala.

Elvis: Nice suit.

Y/N: Thanks, I picked it out myself, well my mom helped but I still made the selection.

Elvis then wrapped his shoulder around mine and whispered into my ear.

Elvis: So man, you gonna ask C/N out today?

That right there, her very name made my legs turn into jello, well not literally but it's a figure of speech.

Y/N: U-um... I-I the... John... He co-

Elvis: Come on man! You talk about the girl nonstop last month and now after dozens and dozens of 'I'll ask her out and she'll say yes.' Shit, dude a bro doesn't abandon the game.

He made a good point, but she was just too perfect.. I-I don't think I'll be able to ask her out before I deflate through my head and flop to the ground.

Y/N: I-I

Elvis: Dude, if she somehow has the ability to turn Y/N L/N into a stuttering mess. Then I'll stop, come on!

Y/N: E-Elvis NO!

My 'friend' dragged me trying to search for C/N and her friends, but couldn't find them. He asked Alfie, a boyfriend of one of C/N's friends.

Elvis: Yo, Alf! Y/N here needs to find C/N!

Alfie: Sorry Y/N, my girlfriend told me that C/N's still doing her makeup for the dance. She won't be here for another ten minutes.

D/N (Douchebag's Name): Y/N The Pirate is finally gonna ask out C/N?

Oh I forgot to mention, D/N The Douchebag calls me a pirate sometimes due to me always wearing an eyepatch on my bad eye to protect it.

Elvis: Yeah.

D/N: Arrr, Y/N yer gotta find the X which marks the spot. Then yer gotta dig deep for the gold! Ha ha ha!

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