Alternate Ending + Deleted Scenes

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Alternate Ending, C/N Refuses

C/N: N-no Y/N, I can't.

C/N said, backing away from me slowly.

Y/N: Don't you like what you see my love?


C/N punched me in my shoulder and tried to run for the door. But I grabbed her shirt and used all my strength to pull her back. I pushed her to the wall and examined her frightened form.

Y/N: It isn't okay to run away from your husband babe...

C/N: N-no. Please don't hurt me... Y/N, please don't!

Y/N: You already hurt me a lot by saying you don't love me, I-I thought you loved me...

C/N: I'd never love a monster!

I then shed some tears, wiped them and sniffed.

Y/N: C/N honey... It feels like you just ripped my heart out... Oh... Wouldn't it be ironic for the same to happen to you my love?

C/N's face twisted into a horrified look, she looked at me, I was staring at her heart area. She looked down and saw that I had my knife against her chest. She squealed in fear as I held her against the wall with my hand.


C/N then embraced me and kissed me desperately, I closed my eyes, kissing her back. Not knowing I had positioned my knife to the back of her abdomen.


C/N screamed into my mouth as the knife entered her back. She drew in a prolonged breath whith simulated a long kiss. I pulled away form her as she looked at me with betrayal. She groaned in pain and slid down to the floor.

C/N: B-burn i-in hell. Y-Y/N.

C/N said, as she slowly went limp, her eyes held a glossy blank stare at me.

Y/N: Hell... sounds like a good place to me, my angel... After all, you know what they say, opposites attract.

I then heard the distinct sound of a police siren approaching the vicinity. I then cracked my neck, and positioned my knife to my heart, eagerly prepared what awaited me and my love.

Y/N: See you in the afterlife C/N...

I forced the knife through my ribcage and grunted in intense pain. My hands dropped and I felt my legs becoming jelly. My feet buckled as I fell beside C/N's corpse, I turned to look at her one last time, brushing her beautiful hair to the side.

Y/N: I love you...

Deleted Scene: Y/N & Elvis Fight

Elvis: Let's dance!

Y/N: With pleasure.

Elvis: Die!

Elvis leapt forward at me and grabbed my hair, ninja kicking me into an aquarium. Splashing water on my shoes.

Y/N: That all you got? Or does your mom's body make your legs a bit quivery?

Elvis: You sick freak!

I laughed as he charged at me, I sidestepped and grabbed his collar, bringing my fist to his patella. I brought my revolver to his forehead, pulling the trigger and watched as the wall was painted red

Deleted Scene #2 Y/N Kills The Principal

Info: This scene was supposed to be in the story but due to a last-minute plot change, I scrapped it.

Principal Kelvins drank from his mug, admiring his office, he then heard a suspicious bang from outside the door and sat up.

Principal: Who's there?

Y/N: So much agony awaits thee.

Principal: Y/N!? Is that you?

Y/N: He could be here, he could be there oh he could be anywhere!

Principal: This isn't funny!

The principal said, trying to assert his power, which wasn't working since he already began backing up towards his desk. He heard another sound coming from an adjacent room and grabbed a pen, clicking it and approaching a door to the other room.

He opened it, swinging his ballpoint pen around like a madman trying to hit a victim with his knife.

Principal: Where are you! If I find you, i-it's a detention.... suspension a-and an expulsion! ALL ROLLED INTO ONE!

Y/N: What you seek isn't in front of you... but behind.

The Principal's blood ran cold at this... hearing a distinct but soft breath coming from behind.

Y/N: Right behind you, to be exact...

He turned around, only to be met with a knife in his chest. He fell to the floor, trying to crawl out of the dark room, feeling two hands grip his ankles, pulling him back, leaving a trail of blood behind. And sound waves, coming from his garbled screams within the dark room.

A/N: Did you like the Alt ending? Or do you think the original ending was better?

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