Volume 2 Chapter 1: Salvation

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(A/N: In light of watching Netflix's new TV Show 'You', it has re-ignited my interest to continue the story of our long ignored lover-boy (Y/N) here. So I've written up a new story to follow that will chronicle (Y/N)'s and (C/N)'s life as recently matured adults, as something (or someone) new comes between their already fragile relationship. Enjoy!)

- (Y/N)'s POV -

Today was a beautiful day like other days, I made sure (S/N) was fed, and tended to (C/N)'s... no. Our new baby daughter, (D/N). She was as beautiful has her mother, (C/N) my lifelong love...

(C/N): "(Y/N), we're almost out of diapers. I'm gonna go to the nearest grocery store and buy some more stuff for us."

I grabbed her wrist. Looking into her eyes... Her large, beautiful (e/c) eyes.

(Y/N): "Please, (C/N) allow me."

(C/N): "Come on (Y/N) you've been grocery shopping for the family since we moved here. Take a little break with (C/F/N) and let your wife do the shopping for once."

She removed my grip, gently holding my hand. Looking into my eyes assuredly. I honestly cannot even comprehend what would happen should something happen to her... She's like a lovely bright star in my dark space, if she was snuffed out... I'd truly lose it.

(C/N): "Honey... Trust in me..."

She smiled gently. I smiled back. Kissing her gently.

(Y/N): "I-I trust you..."

I nod, she goes to grab the keys to our car as I stare at my son. (C/F/N) watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the TV while my daughter supported herself on our crib. Laughing while pointing at me.

(Y/N): "I'm such a lucky man..."

I think to myself. Heading to the basement. While making sure the baby-barrier was secure. I input the code on the basement door to which I only had the code too. I had regrettably lied to (C/N) when I told her the basement was unusable due to multiple leakages. Which hurt me a lot to do, but It was for the greater good between us and our lovely family we'd created together.

A large display of various screens could be seen, security cameras hidden across the house. Motion detectors buried across the property, even the most deadly trap conceived by man, a tripwire... All this to protect us in our little beautiful life. After all, who's gonna get rid of your stalkers?

Women like you are objectified almost everyday, by monsters hiding, waiting and looking to snatch you up from those who care. It almost happened once, but he didn't live to tell the tale. I made sure of it...

(Y/N): "(C/N), my beautiful angel... An angel who needs a devout worshiper. You'll thank me for protecting you... When we're both old and deteriorating, we must never cease our passion for each other. After all, marriage is until death does us part."

I smile, thinking about (C/N) and her gorgeous kind smile... Oh I love her so much.

- (C/N)'s POV -

It's been a while since I've gotten out of the house. That monster of a boy's been holding me there hostage for years now, I'm trapped between his unstable psychotic state and the need to care for our children. Why had he chosen me?! Why not some other girl!?

Cashier: "Thank you ma'am. That'll be $20.65."

I brought out my wallet, handing over the needed money.

(C/N): "Thank you."

I smile, even though I still feel the urging conflict within me. Leaving the store, I suddenly hear a guy behind me call out my name.

???: "(C/N) (Crush's Last Name)? Is that you?"

I turn around, a young man. A bit shorter than (Y/N) stood there, with a curious look on his face.

Zack: "It's me, Zack Anderson! We were classmates in history back in high school."

He said, walking up to me.

Zack: "It's you isn't it?"

Zack inspected my face. I contemplated telling him, but eventually decided to.

(C/N): "Yeah, it's me. I remember you, you were on the football team right?"

Zack: "Yeah, dropped football. Weren't you confirmed missing all those years ago?"

He asked, a worried look growing on his face.

(C/N): "It's behind me now."

Zack: "How can you just forget a possibly traumatizing event? You and... and (Y/N)" 

(C/N): "I... Uh."

Zack: "Did you and (Y/N) run away together?"

He asked? That's when it came to me... Zack might be the help I need to finally leave (Y/N). 

(C/N): "All those years ago..."

I slowed down, remembering vividly the horrid memories, (Y/N)'s killings... His cute but below monstrous  blood-soaked face etched in the back of my mind.

Zack: "Yes?"

(C/N): "Those murders..."

Zack seemed to be a little on edge.

Zack: "What of them?"

(C/N): "I-I'm being held captive... I've been held captive all these years."

I finally divulge my past. Zack looks confused

(C/N): "(Y/N), he loved me..."

Zack: "Um, yeah. Practically the whole school knew that. Guy was a little weird. He's your husband now I presume?"

(C/N): "No, you don't understand, he loves me too much... To the extent that he killed all in his way to get to me... Elvis, Albert, (D/N), my boyfriend, my dad."

Zack's curious look descended into a look of disgust.

Zack: "What? That guy did all of that? No way..."

(C/N): "Please trust me Zack, I've never felt so trapped in my life."

I grabbed his shoulders, he staggered back for a moment.

(C/N): "He has me... he has my kids. I've wanted to leave him, but now with two of my kids around him, I can't leave them there without a mother and with that maniac. I don't think I could've done it... But with you, I think I can get them out of there."

Zack: "Goddamn, I never knew the guy could've descended into insanity that far. But, if this is true, couldn't you have taken them away while he was sleeping."

(C/N): "You don't understand Zack... That boy... Is not a boy, he's a monster. He's rigged the whole property. I don't even know what with. I need your help. Please... I have to get out, of this hell."

Zack was dumbfounded, he looked around. Scratching the back of his head.

Zack: "This is really freakin' hard to comprehend right now... But... maybe I can help. Where do you guys live? I have a car, we can use that."

I felt a rush of joy, I couldn't believe that I might finally have a chance of escaping that prison of a home. I rushed up and hugged a surprised Zack. He yelped as I wrapped my arms around him, he hesitantly hugged me back.

(C/N): "Thank you... You seriously don't know how much this means to me."

Zack: "Uh, yeah. No problem."

(C/N): "Alright, here's the plan..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2019 ⏰

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