Chapter 5: Y/N's Proposition

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C/N's Dad tackled me onto the floor, forcing my knife hand onto the ground, whilst C/N yelled at her dad to stop.

C/N: Dad please don't hurt him!

C/N's Dad: Die bitch!

I then used all of my available remaining strength, and head butted him smack-straight onto the wall. Forcing my knife into his chest, and twisting clockwise, then counterclockwise, then dragging it downwards, Watching his teeth clench in pain, and his eyes weakening.

Y/N: DIe nOw liKe ThE OthErs...

I said as I let his now pale and slumped body fall to the ground beneath me. I soaked in my victory, and heard a horrid gasp coming from C/N who held her mouth and watched her father's dead body in fear.

C/N: Y-Y/N?

Uh oh...

Y/N: C/N?... My love...

C/N: P-please don't h-hurt me. Y-you killed all of them! You did this!

I ran up to her, forcing her onto the wall, and resting my knife onto her neck, she gasped while entranced into my eye.


I-I can't believe it... Y/N's the one who murdered all those innocent people. But now I was also in trouble, he had me against the wall, I couldn't breathe with his knife on my neck, my heart was beating in fear, Y/N then just leaned in kissing me again. I quickly pulled away and pushed him onto my bed, I began to run out the door as Y/N called out to me.

Y/N: Where are you going my angel?! Why are you running.

C/N: I'm running to get away from you, you cold hearted bastard!

Y/N: *pause* To whom?

I then stopped running halfway through the hall and thought about it, Y/N was right. Who would I run to? My relatives lived in Texas and my grandmother lived in Canada. And they both didn't really treat me well, Mainly because of my dad.w

C/N: I-I don't know.

Y/N: *steps out into hall* C/N... nobody else in the world cares about you or your own life. I do, with all my heart and soul! Don't you see that? I did this, all for you.

C/N: How do I know you won't just stab me right then and there. Huh!?

Y/N then tossed away his knife, which clattered across the hall and held his left hand up, and his right hand to his heart.

Y/N: C/N, my love and heart. I'd never hurt you, ever. I'd be the perfect husband for you, I'll nurture for our children never beat them or you.

I watched as Y/N walked up to me, he then wrapped his hand on my shoulder, and rested his head on mine.

Y/N: C/N, I love you, now and forever. Come away with me, we can run away. Start a new life, away from all of this.

I took that to mind, running away from all I've ever known, with the boy that loves me with all his heart. But do I love him, after this?

Y/N: I promise nothing bad will ever happen to you, I'll protect you, care for you and never let you go, EVER. I only ask for you to return your feelings to me.

C/N: I-I ummm.

Then suddenly, I heard cop sirens in the distance. I knew I had to make a decision.

Y/N: C/N if we don't go now, we'll be detained for the rest of our lives. You'll also be put into an orphanage, there's no time.

C/N: Fine fine! I'll go with you.

Y/N: We have to get going now, come on!

Y/N ran over to his switchblade, dodging bloody puddles as he grabbed his weapon and went out my back door, I followed along as we hopped the fence out of my backyard and made our way to Y/N's house, when we got there, he went inside his house, I heard screaming and soon he came through the door, holding a suitcase, his parents credit card, a six-pack of Coke. And a .22 Revolver.

Y/N: Now get in the car honey.

C/N: Y-yes Y/N.

I obliged, cause I of course didn't want a gunshot to my head. He got into the driver's seat and floored it across the street, headed to whoever knows where.

6 years later.

I watched as my son, and my husband hung out with each other from the porch of our house. It's been years now and from what I heard back from our town, the murders were never solved. They closed the cases a few years back. And some of you may ask why I never ran, why I didn't escape the house whenever chance I got. And to be honest with you... Y/N was the husband he promised he would be, he cared for me, he gave me his attention, and he loved me not for my body, but because he really actually did love me.

He cared for our son giving him shoulder rides and saying good morning to him, I held my stomach and smiled, feeling a small kick from our new daughter. My son ran into the house to play with his train set Y/N got for him, he walked up the steps, stopped halfway and leaned against a column, supporting the roof of our house.

Y/N: Such a lovely kid, don't you think honey?

C/N: Yes Y/N. I agree with all my heart.

He nodded and made his way towards and sat on the porch bench beside me. I then leaned on his shoulder, nuzzling onto it like a puppy. I then looked up, admiring his now partially healed scar on his left eye, giving him a less psychotic look. His (e/c) complexion slowly returning to the once dulled and lifeless eye.

C/N: Y/N? Do you ever regret killing any of them sometimes.

He looked up at me, then down on the floor. Then he leaned forward and slipped his tongue into my mouth, french-kissed me, then pulled away, his semi dead-(e/c) eye showing no emotion, while his eyebrow were bent in a confused way on his remaining eye. He then brushed my long hair to the side of my head.

Y/N: No, never. Without the killings my love... we would've never been together. We wouldn't have, all this. And I would never trade an insignificant amount of regret for what we had now my angel.

This reminded me I was still with that over-passionate boy I watched kill my father those years ago. Now that he and I have matured, we normally got over it. And I've been cautious of him ever since. But Y/N true to his word, never hurt me, never abused me, never even drank. He was happy with me, and only me.

C/F/N (Child's First Name): Hi Mommy, daddy! Come see my Thomas the Train, train tracks.

C/N: Okay son.

Y/N: Lead us to it C/F/N

C/F/N: Here! Here it is! We have Thomas, James, Gordon, Percy...

Y/N: Such an adorable kid isn't he?

C/N: Just like you were...

And even though I was a paranoid young woman at the time, I learnt to just live with my love-crazed psychopath husband. Who'd never do anything to me, or our family.

Male!Yandere!Reader X Female!CrushWhere stories live. Discover now