Chapter 2: Descent Into Madness

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Once the dance was over, many people started leaving, Elvis left a few minutes early so I was bored out of my mind at the punch bowl. Drinking cup after cup, then I saw C/N once again, leaving the building. I decided to try and converse with her one last time. I jogged up quickly behind her and called out her name.

Y/N: H-hey C/N!

C/N: Oh hi again Y/N.

I finally caught up to her and gave myself a momentary break.

Y/N: Look, I'm just so sorry I wasn't able to talk to you since the DJ really messed things up back there.

C/N: Its fine Y/N, after all, I learnt a bit about you today.

Y/N: That's great.

A C/N turned her back to leave, I suddenly felt this urge within me, and I decided to try my luck with something else.

Y/N: Umm, C/N?

C/N: Yes Y/N?

Y/N: C-can I?... Err, Can I?...

I stuttered again, no! How could I mess this up in front of her!? I must have what I want from her!

C/N: What is it Y/N?

Y/N: Can I have... A KISS!?

C/N just stood there, blinking at me once, again. The almost silent air filled the gaps between us, C/N then began rubbing her shoulder in a nervous fashion.

C/N: I'm not so sure about this Y/N. I have a boyfriend and he-

My eye slightly widened as I zoned out,
C/N's words now incomprehensible to me. I had just heard the one word I never thought I'd hear from her. 'Boyfriend' Why... WHY GOD!! WHY ARE YOU SO CRUEL TO ME AND ONLY ME IN WHICH I'LL NEVER GET TOGETHER WITH MY TRUE LOVE!?!? I-I couldn't believe it, my life's now ruined


C/N: -might try and beat you up to pulp if he sees us kissing. And I don't want that to happen to you, you're kind of a nice guy.

I noticed that Y/N wasn't really listening to what I said, he seemed like he was slipping away. I shrugged this off and said goodbye to him. I went to my mom who was waiting in my car, and looked back to Y/N one last time. He was still there, staring to nothing.

Me: Bye Y/N! See you soon!


When I finally got back to reality, I was alone, I didn't see C/N anywhere... She left me! Probably because I was acting weird in front of her. I then walked home, which wasn't really that far from the school.

Dad: Hey Y/N, how'd the dance go?

Y/N: Horrible.

Dad: Hey, what happened.

Y/N: It's nothing dad, it wasn't that bad.

Dad: Where's your eyepatch?

Y/N: Probably left it or something. I'll try and get it from the Lost n' Found later.

Dad: Okay son, oh! It's Wednesday right now, can you come wash the dishes for me? Your mother and I are going to a bar, tale care of yourself boy!

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