Jealous!Karma X Reader

873 11 16

~~~Reader POV~~~

 Y/n is a peaceful girl that plays around in the forest to school.

Let us re-frase that, 

Y/n is a peaceful girl that HIKES her way up in the damp and steep forest to school.

Many people says its a shame that such a beautiful girl such as her has to climb a damp mountain every damn day. 

Others, think she deserves it. Others hate her natural beauty at times but just hates telling her. So Y/n doesn't usually earn a trusting hand from her classmates very often.

She's skilled with not a gun but a bow and arrow instead.

Y/n: eh! ehhhh! Why cant I get- ughhh! 

Y/n says as she struggles getting on a small ledge

"Need a hand?"

She heard a laid back voice say

Y/n: I must be hallucinating... 

"Your clearly not hallucinating there chi-bi chan~"

Y/n: H-hey! at least Im taller then Nagisa!

(Nagisa: Why does everyone use me as a reference like that T-T)

(Rio: Rip ._. O btw not the Rio from assclass k XD OWNER OF DIS BOOK YA DAT RIO)

I see a hand at the top of the ledge 

I grab the hand and pull myself up 

Y/n: Th-

Right when I was about to thank him he lets go of my hand making my legs dangling off the ledge as I try to pull myself up

Y/n: H-Hey! 

I notice the boy is a red head

He crouches down to me and says

"Need a lending hand?~ I asked you before but you completely ignored me before so I let go of your hand"

He says looking down at me 

I pout a bit and say

Y/n: Yes...

"Awwww you haven't even learned your manners yet. How pitiful"

Y/n: Yes please

" 'Yes please' what? Oya oya... Are you asking me to f*ck you or something? If so id gladly here and now~"

I sigh starting to really hate this guy 

He smiles a sadistic grin 

Y/n: Yes pull me up please

"What about Master?"


"Well see you in class then"

Y/n: Hey! Wtf!!!

I sigh as I'm just dangling on the edge starting to loose my grip


It was a different voice from the last 

I swore I heard a tsk from somewhere...

Y/n: Ah!!! Shiota-san!!!

Nagisa: Its ok L/n- san call me Nagisa

Y/n: Ok! Nagisa-kun! Can you help me out?

Nagisa: Uh ya sure but um...

I hear a little chuckle from Nagisa 

Nagisa: theres a slope right next to the ledge Y/n-chan 

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