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Hi my name is isabella Marie swan my parents met in phenix Arizona and fell in love and got married one day my mom met Phil a minor league baseball player and she fell in love with him so she left my father.  Two weeks later she found out that she was pregnant with me. She never told my father that she was pregnant. She would say " isabella your father didn't abandon you I am the reason you don't have a father, I decided not to tell  him."   My mom and Phil moved to Texas after they got married.


On my 17th  birthday my mom decided it was time I met my father  so she sent me to live with him in forks Washington. You see Ranee and Charlie decided to keep in tuch but she never told him about me. I decided that I would drive to forks Washington to give my mom time to change her mind about me just giving him a letter from her instead of calling him. When I made it to forks I called my mom to see if she called him. She didn't so I continued to drive to his house. When I got there I knocked and waited for him to answer the door. " yes how can I help you" He asks  " hi are you Charlie swan" I ask " yes and who are you" He asks  " my name is isabella my mom Ranee wanted me to give you this" I say as I hand him the letter. After he read the letter he helped me unpack and  we got to know each other.


Two weeks later he said that we are taking a trip to Volterra italy. That's when I found out that my father was a vampire. He told me that he was going after a suspect the day after my mom left and got shot  he said a vampire smelt the blood and changed him. He said that he wanted to tell me in front of the kings so he didn't get in trouble that was when  I met aro, caius, and Marcus. They were really nice and let me sit on their laps when I couldn't stand any more. You see I was born with leg problems it's  hard for me to walk and I need  these special crutches in order to walk that also means I am unable to stand for a long period of time. Our whole trip they would spend time with me when they got a chance. I really liked them and thought they were sexy.


After the trip I started school and that's when I met the cullens they were really nice to me. I dated Edward and he told me what his family was and we were happy until Alice decided to throw me a birthday party and It ended horribly.  After Edward drove me home then climbed into my room since Charlie went to help the LA push pack protect the elder. I decided to ask Edward to have sex with me. And he gave in to my request. My story starts the day after my birthday.  I hope you like my story.

🏰 💎Bella the powerful Volturi queen (On Hold) 😞जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें