chapter 7

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   (First day at forks high school )

Bella's pov

Today is when we start at forks high school I hope it goes well. After we all get ready for school we pile into our cars  I am with renesmee, Carly and rosealice. Elizabeth is with emma,Emily and isabella. Then there's Samuel, skyler, Samantha and Sebastian.  That leaves Isabell driving to school alone. When we get to the school we all go to the office. " how can I help you." The secretary asks " hi my name is isabella swan I am the new principal and these are my siblings." I say. ( before we go on bella and the three that rode to school with her are parlized from the waist down gotta love her gift ) " ah yes your office is right there and here are your siblings schedules" she says " thanks " I say as I hand them there schedules and they left." Ok there's an assembly in a couple of minutes so you can introduce yourself self. I will be helping you so I think we should get going. " she says " I am so sorry but can you please tell me your name" I ask " no problem Lillian cooper but everyone calls me lilly coop" she says " it's nice to meet you lilly we should probably get going. "  when we get to the gym were the assembly is being held  I met the old principal and we talked till the kids all showed up. Then it began. " hello  students as most of you know I am Mr . Brown I was the principal sadly I am retiring so please welcome your new principal." Mr. Brown say " thanks Mr . brown. Ok I am miss. swan. And in order for you to get to know me you may ask questions but nothing too personal if you ask something like that I will tell you to sit in the hallway till this is done." I say and they all rase there hands lilly hand a student the microphone. (The next chapter will be there questions and answers ) When they were fished I only sent  10  students into the hallway.

Renesmee ' s  pov.

After the assembly we all went to our  classes.  I know regret choosing to be parlized. I mean I already can't talk but thanks to daddy aro I don't have to worry. Carlisle and aro found a way that will allow me to sorta talk. All I have to do is think what I want to say then it will show up on my tablet that's hooked up to my wheelchair and then I press talk  or thought. I like it though so I am not complaining. I wheel in to my second period class and hand the teacher my slip. " you must be renesmee swan" he say and I just nod " well why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself" he say " ok well my name is renesmee swan I have 14 siblings most of them are adopted the only ones that aren't are rosealice swan,carlie swan they are my age we are triplets then there's isabella swan  she's 24 she took custody when our parents died 2 years ago  we just moved from  Italy. We are originally from Texas. I love to play instruments, draw,and write. I am parlized from the waist down  I have been like this since birth . The reason for the tablet is that I have what doctors call  close to no vocal cords. They are really tinny I was born with it. The tablet talks for me. Well that's about it. " I thought then pressed talk. " ok thanks renesmee you will be sitting up front next to jasper cullen. The teacher says  all the classes went the same way. Introduce my self and sit near one of the cullens.

Emma,Emily,Samantha, and Samuels pov.

After the assembly  we all went to  class. " excuse me we are new"  we said at the same time " ah yes the swan siblings.  Nice to meet you  would you tell us a little bit about you. " he say " yes we can" we say at the same time" I am Samuel I go by Sam I love to hang out with my older sister." Samuel says " I am Emma I go by my middle name which is Marie and I love to read. " Emma says " I am Emily I don't like nicknames so please don't try to give me one and I love to dance." Emily says " I am Samantha  I go by Sammy and I love to learn. " Samantha says " we have 14 siblings  we are adopted as well  as most of them  only four of them aren't though our older sister isabella swan took us in when our parents died 2 years ago  we moved here from Italy we are  originally from  France. 12 of our siblings are from Texas. And one thing don't use our adoption against us or my other siblings  because we know why we were put up for adoption and we don't care. Oh and also if you do try I will tell my older sister  and I don't think you want the principal hearing about this. By the way our older sister is miss. swan  our principal. Oh and we love to talk at the same time. That's about it." We say then take our seats. All other classes were the same thing.

General pov.

After the assembly all the kids went to class all the swans introduced themselves  and took  their seats that went on for all of there classes. In the office isabella was setting up her pictures on her desk. And  started working. At the end of the day they all went home  to chill. the kids were doing their homework while isabella called her mates  after all that was done they all sat at the dining room table having a cup of blood talking about ther day. And wishing the plan is a success so they could go back home to Italy.

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