some of the questions and answers from the students

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1. how old are you?

A. 24

2. Why are you in a wheelchair

A. That is to personal for me

3.Do you Have any siblings

A. Yes

4.How many siblings do you have.

A.14 most are adopted

5.are you single

A. That's Personal

6.What got you into education

A. I have always loved education and I see it as changing the future

7. Do you live with your parents

A. That's personal

8.Are your siblings older or younger

A. All younger and are students here

9.Do you have any kids

A. That's personal

10.  Do you give your siblings special treatment

A. No they get the same treatment as you guys do. But I doubt they will get introble they mostly stick together and are really strict on who they befriend

11. What are your views on bullying

A. I am highly against bullying and if anyone is getting bullied then please let me know.

12. What things would you do to help the people that are bullied.

A. For starters there will be an anti bullying club and a lunch group for the victims

13. What if the bullying is. Happenings with the use of electrics

A. Well there's not much I can do but if you know who it is and show me what they are. Saying I will talk to the parents and show them what there child is doing

14. What is your view on skipping or walking out of classes

A. If you have a good reason for skipping and was afraid to tell your teacher something that will affect you learning. I will let you off with a warning but try to tell your teacher or come to see me and for walking out if it's because your teacher says no to going to the bathroom,nurse,councler or office. I am fine with it as long as you go back to class and if you lie to me about why you skipped class you will get a month of detention and I will be asking your parents if there is anything that might affect your. Education.

15. Have you ever had sex with a student

A. One that's personal and two inappropriate I want you in my office after this oh and you will not go in the hallway I want You to sit by Mr. Brown

16. Do you like to travel

A. Yes I used to travel a lot with my parents

17. Do you still talk to your parents

A. No they died two years ago I take care of my siblings and any questions about my parents are personal but o will let this. Slid. But still go on the hallway

18. Is there a nickname your sisters. Would call you and why

A. That would be Bella because one of our siblings name is Isabella and another one is isbelle

19. Do you like your job

A. Yes

20. Would you date a teacher

A. Personal and inappropriate

21. This question is for a teacher that had to step out but he would like to know what he should do if one of your siblings get mad or upset if there adoption or your parents are mentioned

A. If that happens the teachers should send them to me and if an Edward Carter is mentioned at all remove them from the room. Edward Carter is a user name on face book I advise all students that if that person true to contact you to come to me or the police same goes to the staff

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