chapter 6

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( 60 years later )

Bella's pov.

It's been 60 years since Edward lost his penis. I still lagh at it till this day. Sadly we had to block the cullens memory of me and the kids they only remember up to when they decide to move. Let me catch you up on what has been going on. After having sex three days in a row with my mates I found out I was pregnant. I gave birth to 7 kids the first three are caius and my kids there names are Elizabeth marie swan Volturi, sebastian Charlie swan Volturi and Kristena marie swan Volturi. The second two are mine and Marcus ' s there names are Samantha marie swan Volturi and Kimberly marie swan Volturi. The last two are aros and mine there names are isabella didyme marie swan Volturi and Isabell didyme marie swan Volturi. I know what you're thinking well to answer your question my mates chose the Names the marie is because that was my great great grandmother's name that why it's my middle name and know the kids middle name. And well didyme is for aro' s sister. After they were born my mates and I decided to get married. Two years later we decided to adopt four of the hybrids there names are skyler marie swan Volturi, Samuel jasper swan Volturi, Emily marie swan Volturi and Emma marie swan Volturi. You see when they go to the hybrid academy/ orphanage they get to pick there first names but they get there middle and last names when they get adopted.

Today the kids and I are going to forks Washington so we can carry out part 2 of our plan. Our cover is that all of us are siblings 4 are biological sister's and the rest were adopted. And since I am 23 I took custody of all my siblings when our parents died. We were going to use Charlie but that would mess our plan up. Oh did I forget to mention I am a vampire and a really powerful one at that. My original gifts is changing appearances it also changes your sent and voice, I can give a vampire a disability and I am a copy cat. Sadly for us when I use my other two gifts they stay that way until the deadline I chose comes up. I just made me look and smell like a human and I gave the 2nd set of triplets blonde hair and blue eyes I gave the first set of twins dark brown hair with some natural blond highlights and green eyes. The second set of twins have black hair and bluish-green eyes the other four all have black hair with natural blond highlights and green, and blue eyes colors the other four look a little like me with medium brown hair and brown eyes. I made half of us from Texas and half from France. We all smell like humans we can even eat like humans. Once we get to our house we get it organized. I got a job at forks high school as the new principal. And the kids are all enrolled in ether 10th, 11th or 12th grade. I decided that the two sets of twins should be younger but they would also have Emma, skyler,Samuel, or Emily in there grades. The rest are 12th grade. Our last names are swan. I can't wait till tomorrow.

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