19. Cousin

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My fingers were twitching with nerves as I flipped through the pages of my sketchbook, waiting impatiently for the bell to finally ring. The moment I heard the first note of the tone I bolted out of my seat and made it out the door before anyone else had even gotten up from their seats. I wasn't going to wait around for someone to excuse me when I know I had someone waiting for me outside.

Just as I'd thought about her, I heard the distinctive purr of the engine as it rolled up to the front steps, and she hopped out of her milky white sports car just to open the door for me. I was getting strange looks from the other students as I stepped inside, but there was a pause only when a black haired boy came racing down the steps. I rolled down my window while Kathryn merely twisted around, lifting her glasses up once again to give Ladon an inquisitive stare as he tumbled up to the door.

"Sable, where are you going?" He asked, panting gently. He must've ran to catch up to me before I left. "Who's car is this?"

"Well, maybe if you'd take the time to see the woman standing beside you, you'd notice the driver." I laughed gently, and he backed up sheepishly, giving my cousin a wave. Kathryn grinned and waved back, containing her own laughter.

"Hi, I'm Kathryn Snow, call me Kitty for short." She purred, holding out a hand for him to shake. He took it gently, seemingly surprised by her grip. "I'm Sable's cousin from New York, took a while to find her."

"You're not...leaving, are you?" Ladon looked over at me, his eyebrows furrowed. He seemed genuinely concerned.

"No, I'm staying right here," I smiled, leaning my head on the window lip, "I'm just going to go spend some time with Kitty for a while. Do me a favor and tell Miss Huld I'll be home for dinner?"

"Sure." He nodded, shoving his hands in his pockets while he nodded to Kitty and walked off.

Just then I caught sight of a little silver head of hair bobbing across the street. I leaned over and honked the horn, catching Noelle's attention and waving her over. The girl paused at my door and stared up at Kathryn with wide eyes and parted lips.

"Snow," was all Noelle said as she stared Kathryn down. My cousin seemed to pause for a moment, her eyebrows furrowing.

"Noelle, this is my cousin." I smiled, trying to break the tension. "I'm going to go with her for a little while, do you think you'll be okay riding the bus with one of the older kids today?"

"Sure." She nodded bravely, a smile on her face. "What time will you be home?"

"Around five. That sound good to both of you?"

"Shouldn't be a problem." Kathryn smiled, holding a hand out to Noelle. The girl took my cousin's grip in hers but seemed wary about it. She gave me one more look before running off to where the buses were lining up and I felt myself grow a little uneasy.

My cousin got in the drivers side, peeling out of the parking lot and turning heads along the way. I grinned and turned the music up, the pumping bass rattling my bones. Kathryn was grinning like a madman while we sped down the streets, eventually becoming surrounded by trees and a seemingly endless expanse. The woods were quiet compared to the inside of her car, and I could hear the music echoing in the wilderness while I hung my head out the window. Kathryn turned the music down suddenly and I pulled myself back into the vehicle, looking over at her curiously.

"I wanted to apologize," she started quietly, that sharp edge to her being having faded somewhat, "I should've been there for you. I let everyone else get in the way and you were swept away before I could even say your name."

"Kitty...it wasn't your fault." I deflated a little, feeling a residual solemnity fall over us both. "Our family ostracized you, you didn't have a choice."

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