51. Lock and load

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Fireworks exploded in the distance outside, blues and greens and reds lighting up the sky like stars on earth. I was in my room with shaking hands while I waited impatiently for everyone to arrive; I'd chosen my clothes carefully, all black with boots and fingerless gloves to keep my hands from getting burned. A bulletproof vest was hugging my chest as tightly as was comfortable, my hair tied back in a thick braid down my spine. I was terrified.

"Sable?" A soft voice reached me through the door, followed shortly after by a click. Ladon had walked in, dressed in similar gear with a gun strapped to his hip. I'd never seen him like this.

"I keep asking myself if I'm ready to do this, and the truth is, I'm not," I sighed as I turned to him, "but you're never ready for something like this."

"I've found that anything in life that comes around when you're not ready for it is typically something you need to go for," he smiled gently, walking forward and wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I leaned into the hug and took a deep breath, that familiar scent clinging to his clothes and easing my nerves. I remembered the nights freshman year when he'd take me with him to parties and we'd drink our inhibitions away.

"You weren't ready to open up," I laughed quietly, "but I just wouldn't leave you alone."

"Sable, you brought me back. You brought back someone I didn't even know existed and you gave me something to fight for and feel for." Ladon pulled back, gripping my shoulders tightly in his hands while he looked at me. "You brought me my family back. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You'd be just fine," I grinned warmly, "because you don't need me anymore to keep you afloat."

His eyes were blazing as he smiled, pulling me into another tight hug before he finally released me. We weren't enemies anymore and I was so thankful for the opportunity to see him so happy, and so bright.

A light from outside distracted me and I turned to the window, seeing that someone had pulled up to the end of our driveway and was now waiting for us while they flashed their high beams into my window. The kids and Miss Huld we're in the backyard watching the fireworks, so they'd come back to two empty rooms. Ladon and I exchanged one more glance, our eyes sharp and confident as we grabbed the last items we needed. I paused in my doorway when he went ahead, a small glass pendant catching my attention as it hung from the wall; I snatched the necklace Ethan had given me off of its hook and slung it over my head, a good luck charm that I desperately needed.

Ladon and I slipped out the back door, making sure to check that all was well in the house before we left for battle. A handgun was strapped to my thigh and there were knives in my belt, all things I'd never imagined myself carrying before now. Kathryn was in the driver's seat and to my surprise, another familiar face had joined the group that I hadn't quite been expecting.

"Emile!" I shouted, startled as he opened the door and jumped to the ground. He was dressed in PASCI battle regalia, head-to-toe in riot gear, with a handkerchief wrapped around his mouth to hide his grin. I embraced him quickly before he gave the front seat to me.

"Kitty called and told me the plan, I can get you guys inside and help you do this," he told me sternly, a new blossom of confidence bubbling up in my system. We really could do this.

Lily was in the back of the canvas covered truck with Ritter and Gal as Ladon joined them, followed shortly after by Mr. Crowley before we finally took off down the road. My blood was boiling in my veins the entire way there, the long trip seeming to take only a few seconds when we finally arrived. The city was still bustling, the New Years celebrations unceasing; fireworks were still going off over our heads and casting everyone in glowing lights, the shadows framing their faces and making them out to be dangerous. That's exactly what we were, too.

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