Chapter 1

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If you see any mistakes please let me know so I can fix them and I hope you enjoy the story...

"This is it, he is going to propose," I thought glancing around the expensive restaurant he brought us to.

"Charity," He says grabbing my hand,"This isn't working out. I think we should go separate ways."

I blinked a couple of times. That didn't sound like Charity will you marry me. 

My heart was crushed - ripped out of my chest and crushed in the hands of the one I loved.  "But Logan we dated for four years.....We were planning to go to college together next year. I gave up Harvard for you." Tears came to my eyes even though I tried my hardest to keep them away.

"Please don't cry," He said,"You're great, all a guy could ever ask for......."

"Then why the heck are you dumping me!?"

He ran his hand through his chestnut hair, something he does when he's stressed. His eyes held a hint of sadness,"I don't know. It just doesn't feel right."

"Has it not felt right all this time? Has there never been a spark? Why are you just telling me this now?" I raged. Eyes started to fall on us. Why did he bring me to this crowded restaurant just to tell me he's done?

"Charity, I don't know what to say."

"Then don't say anything," I said grabbing my purse standing to leave. 

He stood too,"Let me at least take you home." 

"No, just leave me alone. Don't ever think about crawling back to me either." I say, causing an even bigger scene, but at this point I don't care. 

And then I made my way out of the restaurant. Leaving him standing there looking like the idiot he was. 

I walk outside into the dark night, where all the criminals hide ready to strike, just to see it raining. The smell of the rain hitting the hot asphalt filled my nose.

I pulled out my phone and called Abby, my sister. She was a year younger and always there for me. No answer. I called my friend Haley but again no answer. 

I guess I'm walking home or at least to the bus. I sighed taking off my heels which were killing me and began to walk. I couldn't stay here any longer.

I don't remember the bus being this far away I thought as I made my way up the steep hill.  

I finally found the bus stop and sat on the wet bench. Looking at the sign, I realized that I won't have to wait that long for the bus to arrive.

Soon the old bus rolled to a stop. The rather young bus driver opened the door and his eyes widened at the sight of me.

"Looks like you have had one heck of a night," The bus driver said as I got on.

"Don't even get me started," I mumble making my way to one of the old stained seats.

I probably look terrible. Frizzy hair, running make-up, soggy dress. I'm glad I don't have a mirror.

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