Macao, The Father (Arc End)

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"It's sooo cold!" Lucy said shivering whilst following Natsu." Natsu chuckled and released a bit of his power making a heat field around the both of them.

"You should've wore more suitable clothes then."

"Well I'm sorry, but I had no time ok?!" Lucy said glaring at Natsu, he took no notice of this as they ascended into the mountain.

Natsu smirked as he increased his heat forcefield slowly and observed the mountain range to the left of him. 'Damn, that seems like a terrible way to go to be honest.' He thought as he looked down into the snowy abyss. They saw a cave and decided that this was probably where Macao is.

"Macao's smell is getting closer and closer, he's here." He said, Lucy was standing next to him and they both entered the cave. It looked like there had been human presence here. There was also blood around the area. Lucy looked around and said,

"There's nothing here!"

Natsu went in the middle and observed the blood, he concluded that it was indeed a human's blood and he looked around with cautious eyes.

"Hmm, I was pretty sure he was around here som-" Something caught the attention of his eye and all of a sudden he was sent flying into the closest ice wall.

"Natsu! What the hell was tha-" She looked to the side and there was a white huge monkey like thing, it was then she realised that the monster was a vulcan.

"It's a vulcan!" Lucy screamed running off into the corner. She fumbled around her waist for her Golden Keys and took one out.

This one said 'Taurus' on it and she yelled out, "Taurus, Come out!" A cow-like creature came out of thin air and appeared before her.

"Moooo! Lucy-sama! I would do anything for those lovely boo-!"

"Taurus! Just get on with it and deal with that nasty vulcan!" Lucy frantically said getting annoyed by the cow.

"As yooouu wish!" Taurus lifted the giant battle-axe he had and sliced the space in front of him. The vulcan managed to dodge and threw a punch at Taurus.

He blocked it with the hilt of his axe and they both started a push-off.

"Moo! I shall do this for Lucy-sama's body!" He was gaining the upper hand and made one last push which knocked the vulcan through an ice wall leaving a vulcan shaped hole in it.

"Alright good job Taurus! Now, Return!" She said deliberately ignoring the comment he gave before smashing the vulcan through the wall.

"Moo! I thank Lucy-sama's bodddyyyy..." Taurus said going back into his gate key and with Lucy sighing in response. It would've been much easier if Natsu was the one to deal with this. She then realised that Natsu wasn't where he was smacked into.

There was only a hole left in there but there was also another hole next to the wall that the vulcan was smashed through.

"Don't tell me he went and..." Lucy's question was answered when a pillar of flames erupted from the hole and a large howl from the monster could be heard.


"What?! I'm busy at the mooooooomeeeeennttt..." Natsu and the monkey went past Lucy and she could hear his voice fade out as they both crashed into the other side of the mountain.

"Are you sure you don't need help?" She said, her voice echoing down the second hole Natsu had made.

"I'm fine! Jesus Christ no need to worrrryyyyyy!"

She managed to dodge the two and fell on her butt looking at Natsu stood on top of an unconscious Vulcan. Despite all that had happened in a span of 2 minutes, Natsu was somehow unscathed apart from a small cut on his cheek.

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