chapter one

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       ~lafayette's POV~

As I walk towards my new college dorm, I can feel myself shaking. These are the people I'm going to be spending the next four years with, I couldn't mess this up. Hell, I won't even be able to talk to most of them for a while. I don't know much English, and 2/3 of my roommates don't speak french.

I didn't know that being the new kid would be this hard. Moving to America was always my dream when I was younger. You think I would have learned their most common language.

I reach the room and take a deep breath. "Rien ne va ici..." (Here goes nothing...) I whisper to myself as I knock on the door.

A man much shorter than me had opened the door. His greasy, black hair was tied into a slick ponytail. He kept his style casual, wearing a graphic t-shirt that read "smol rage" and baggy, black jeans.

"Bonjour! Vous devez être lafayette!" (Hello! You must be Lafayette!) He greeted.

"C'est moi." I laughed.

"Entre!" (Come in) He said as he fully opened the door for me. In the dorm stood two other boys. One of them had the most freckles I have ever seen on one face. He was also quite short, but slightly taller than the man I've already talked to. He had curly, dark, brown hair pulled up into a bun. He was wearing a grey sweatshirt with a small cartoon turtle on it.

The other man took my breath away. He was tall, yet still shorter than me. His hair was mostly covered up with a grey beanie, but I from what I could see, his hair was black and curly. He wore a pink v-neck, which accented his muscles perfectly. He had a smile that could make anyone swoon.

I snapped out of my own head and waved to who I'm guessing are my new roommates. The short guy began to talk again. "Je m'appelle Alex, c'est John, et c'est Hercules." (My name is Alex, this is John, and this is Hercules.)

"Oh, nice to meet you guys!" I say, using the limited English I know. The three boys smiled at me and I smiled back in return.

"D'accord, hercules vous montrera dans votre chambre" (alright, hercules will show you to your room) Alex reported.

"Herc," Alex started. "Show Lafayette to your room."

Hercules nodded and gestured for me to follow him, which I obviously did. The language block between us was going to suck, but I pull together all of the English I know, just I can have one conversation.

"How are you?" I question, breaking the awkward silence between us.

"Good! How are you?" Herc responds.

"Very good!" I smile, and he gives me one right back.

Eventually, we enter the bedroom that the two of us are going to be sharing. There were two single beds parallel to each other, two desks, and two sets of cupboards. The room was already half decorated with stuff that I assumed belonged to Hercules. He had hung up pages of torn out issues of fashion magazines, pictures of his family (i believe), and a sewing machine on his desk.

"I love!" I blurt out, barely thinking. What can I say? It was a magnificent room. I didn't know what I was expecting when I moved here from France, but this was already better than that.

"I'm glad!" Hercules chuckled. "I'll let you unpack." He gave me a small wave and left the room.

I need as he requested and sorted all of my things out. I hang up a small french flag above my bed, a calandar, and a picture of my family and I.

The boys call my name from the living room and we all eat dinner. There was an instant bond between them and I, and I couldn't be more excited. For once, I'm actually excited for college in America. This will be fun.

A/N: thank you for reading!! I'm sorry that this chapter was fairly short. The others will be a lot longer, I promise. Another thing (mr. Age of Enlightenment), I apologize for the poor french. I only know a little but of the language and for what I didn't know I used google translate.

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