chapter three

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                            ~Herc's POV~

"Hercules," Peggy started. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare." I say confidentially.

"I dare you to kiss Lafayette." She laughs.

I feel my my face begin to heat up as I look over to the Frenchman. He started to blush, as well. He nodded, giving me his consent.

I lean over to him and our lips touch. I put my one hand on his cheek and the other on his shoulder. I pull him in closer, leaving no space between us. We continued the kiss until we couldn't breathe.

"Je T'aime." He mumbles. I didn't know much french, but I did know that meant. I lift his chin up, and our eyes lock.

"I love you too." I whisper.


I wake up with a million thoughts running through my head. Why did I just dream about that? Was this more than just a small crush? Why did I suddenly know some French? Why did I say I love him? I obviously don't love him. We had just met a month ago.

I suddenly take in my surroundings. I was lying on the couch, with Lafayette on top of me. I begin to panic, but not enough to wake him up. I couldn't do that to him, I know how much he values his sleep.

More thoughts flood into my mind. How did we get into this position? Was he comfortable? Should I stay here until he wakes up?

Apparently, I wouldn't have enough time to answer the last one, given he starts to wake up. I do the first thing that comes to mind, and that was to pretend to be asleep. I shut my eyes and hope for the best. After a minute, Laf still hasn't gotten up. In fact, he started tracing circles on my chest, muttering something in French.

I start to 'wake up' and I can feel panic from Lafayette. Nice going Herc, this was the last thing you wanted, yet here we are. I open my eyes to see a startled Frenchman. "I am so sorry, mon ami. I-I don't know how this happened." He stammered.

"Laf, it's okay. Don't worry about it." I assure him, giving a small smile. He returned it, then realised he was still lying on my chest. He instantly got up and I start to feel cold. Dammit, he was my blanket.

"Well, well, well." Said an all too familiar voice. "What have we here?"

I turn my head and see John and Alex smirking at us. I roll my eyes, while Laf starts to blush. I've put up with their shit for way too long, that I've gotten used to it. I just felt bad Lafayette.

"If you guys shut up now, I'll make pancakes for breakfast." I bargained, knowing this would work. I laugh as they pretend to zip up their lips and 'throw away the key'. I walk to the kitchen and start to cook.

~Lafayette's POV~

I'm sitting in the middle of the couch when John and Alex suddenly sit on either side me. I give a confused expression as they continue to smirk. "What?" I questioned, with a little bit of fear in my voice.

"So, what are you intentions with our Hercules?" John asked, getting closer to my face.

"I-I, uh, I d-don't know." I stutter. "To be one of his best friends?"

"You don't want anything more?" Alex asked, following John's example. "You don't want a relationship?"

How was I supposed to answer that? I don't know what I want. Yes, I had feelings towards him, but that didn't mean that it was necessary to start a relationship with him. Of course it would be nice to have Hercules as a boyfriend, he was all I ever wanted in a man. That didn't matter, though. I didn't even know how he felt about me. "Uh, no?"

"You hesitated." John observed. Merde (shit), he was right.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." I lie, avoiding eye contact with either half of the couple.

Alex sighed. "Young man, we know how you feel about Hercules."

My face goes redder than it previously was. "You do?"

A large smile crept onto John's face. "We do now!!" Oh my god, did I just fall for that? I'm such an idiot.

"I have to admit," Alex chuckled. "I didn't think that would work."

"That doesn't sound like shutting up!!" Hercules yelled from the kitchen. Alex and John lowered their heads, but kept a smile on their face. God, I can't look at them without feeling stupid. I get off the couch and walk into the kitchen.

To my surprise, Hercules was wearing an apron which read "kiss the cook, I'm Irish." I can't lie, I was tempted by the idea. He looks over at me and smiles. "Hey." He greeted. "Were tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber driving you crazy?"

"Non!" I laugh. "They're wonderful." I walk closer to the stove. "Are those chocolate chip pancakes?"

"Yeah." He said, slightly embarrassed.

"They look so good!" I compliment.

"I'm glad." He smiled. He continued to cook and I continued to watch him. There was something I loved about seeing him do everyday tasks. Whether it was cooking or doing laundry, I loved seeing him do it. I'd often tag along, not being much help at all. He did seem to like the company, though.

Soon enough the pancakes were ready. Alex and John looked like four year olds on Christmas morning. They had about seven each, so it was reasonable that Herc had made roughly twenty of them. It was probably the best breakfast I've ever had.

When we were all done, Herc and I start to clean about the mess the other two had created. Another daily task that we do together, given John and Alex were always out before we ask them to clean.

As we cleaned the dishes, Herc broke the somewhat-awkward silence. "So, what was France like?"

Surprised by the sudden question, I think of an answer. "It was, different than here. There was a lot more bread."

My dumb answer must have amused Hercules, because he almost dropped the glass he was washing. "Do you think you'll ever go back?"

"I-I don't know." I shrugged. "I like it in America. So far it's been really fun. Except for my roommate, he sucks."

He laughed again at another one of my stupid comments. "We should go to France sometime."

"What?" I ask, being startled at the sudden statement.

"Winter break, the four of us should go to France."

"Would you guys actually come to France with me?"

"Of course. I'm offended that you had to ask." He chuckled and put some of the bubbles that were in the sink, on my nose. I giggle at that playful action and do the same thing he had done. Next thing I know, the two of us were having a soap fight in the small kitchen. We laughed as bubbles filled the room, but this moment was over as soon as the door opened.

"Wow." John sighed. "you guys are into some weird shit."

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